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EQ3-2 polarscope.... get it fitted to the mount:S:S

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hey guys i had my new polar scope for my new EQ3-2 mount today but i cant for the life of me see any way of actually getting it to fit it seems the mount was made "for a different polar scope??" im not sure iv got some pics to show you what i mean



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Several of us had this issue. You need to take out the old hardware, as you can see from your pictures your new polarscope has a circular scale but you stlll have one on the mount. You need to unscrew the old one and screw in the replacement.

See here for pictures of what to do

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I got mine today too.

As StevieDVD says above, just unscrew the old holder and screw in your polar scope, takes 10 secs..

I didn't need to use a pipe wrench, mine unscrewed easily.

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If you look closely you will see a locking collar secured with a couple of grub screws (below the `3` in the piccy)....

Undo them with a small slotted screwdriver and unscrew the collars to remove the old eyepeice holder..;)


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there we go all done and fitted :o thanks for the help guys ;)

but one more question i have, and thats using it. iv read the instructions on how to use it and that u turn the dial inside so the little hold on the ring is where polaris is but how exactly do you turn it, when i turn it the whole unit moves:S am i missing somthing?

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