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I make a rough sketch at the eyepiece and then make a decent copy inside later (preferably the same night). Galaxies are nice targets, not least because they don't take too long (maybe half an hour outside and a bit less to redraw). I like sketching open clusters, but the Messiers can take a long time (an hour or more) if you try to include every star you can see. Still, I find it quite satisfying with clusters to compare the finished sketch with photographs afterwards, just to gauge how well I've reproduced the distribution of stars and variations in brightness. I haven't tried sketching the moon yet, but I plan to have a go this year (inspired by some excellent sketches and watercolours posted on the forum).

I find the toughest part of sketching trying to reproduce the detail that can be seen at the eyepiece without exaggerating it. Obviously you want to include everything that you have seen, but some of this is inevitably picked out after looking for a long time, using filters, averted vision and different magnifications etc. It's a fine line between making these details apparent in your sketch and making them too clear. I think I just need more practice :lol:

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