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Charting Messier Objects?

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Like many here, I consider myself a chaser of Messier objects. This is made much easier with Stellarium and my trusty Telrad but what if I wanted to chart the Messier objects found (for future reference and add personal notes)? :)

Is there a way I can use Stellarium for this? :eek:

Is it right in front of my face but I'm too technologically distracted to figure it out? :)

Is there another program out there or should I simply buy myself a couple of laminated maps and place thumbtacks when an object is found (actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea)? :eek:

Thank you very much for all of your help!


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Try the RASC site, think they have an observation guide and recording document for Messiers.

Also The Astro League, The Astronomical League

They have various sections and three cover Messiers.

For software to record your own try:

Free Astronomy Software

He has developed software to record Messier and Cadwell object observations.

Simple option copy the Messier List on Wikipedia into a Word Doc, it should come out as a table, turn the page into Landscape and add a column and make your own notes in to that column.

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DP: You have given me a wonderful tool to chart the Messier objects, especially since I spend most of my time wilderness camping during the summer. A piece of paper and pencil, will be best.

The program mentioned by Bizibilder, Micheal and Peter is perfect for organizing all the information after and during the autumn / winter months when I am by my computer.

Your suggestion Ronin of simply copying the list of Messier objects and creating my own chart is a great idea as well! It will serve as a quick chart!

This is all splendid guys! Thank you so much!


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No I am a casual observer just whatever takes my fancy. On the few occasions I have got to use my C11 I end up showing the show piece objects to the people who are there. I do like DSO's. I also try to use tonights sky

Tonight's Sky Main Page

to make a plan and usually forget to stick to it.

One of these days you never know.

the problem has been the awful weather and having to travel 20+ miles to a dark observing site.

P.S. a little tip is to laminate the pages so they dont fall apart

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I must admit that like you, I often make a plan and rarely stick to it. Finding a myriad of Messier objects isn't my "thing" but I do enjoy keeping a journal of what I have indeed seen so far which makes these programs really helpful.

Sorry about the long drive. I can watch from my own porch since I live in a remote area (I teach in a community situated an 8 hour drive from civilization. In the end, besides looking at the stars,.. there is little else to do.

I've laminated pages myself. I guess working at a school has it's perks!


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Very interesting Celinibellini! Yesterday I had nothing now after posting this,.. I have my hands full! This forum is simply fabulous!


I think my printer and laminator cry when I log on to this site. I must have printed out enough charts to study for the next 20 years and still then go and use tonights best on the synscan handset. Hey Ho

BTW are you fully recovered yet.

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My eyes have indeed fully recovered (well, I haven't seen the doctor yet for his final word). My MS relapse has disappeared just in time for my vacation in Florida next week where I will have a blast at the Kennedy Space Center. I should be quiet when gone since I won't go online much but watch out when I return!

Thank you for asking. :)

Now,.. if only the clouds would cooperate and my Hotech collimator arrives.


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