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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Has anyone used one of these for visual astronomy? I was thinking about whether this would be any good for planetary observing. It states that it can be used for both AP as well as visual. Thoughts anyone.
  2. Thank you @Steve Ward, @Albir phil, that’s all I wanted to hear.
  3. I am looking at buying a wooden tripod tripod for my EQ5 pro mount. On the control box it has a metal connection (earth) on the rear which connects to the steel tripod leg. This would not be possible with a wooden tripod. I can’t find a schematic for the circuitry and just want to ensure that all will be well apart from losing the earth. Thanks.
  4. I’m another overwhelming thumbs up for the Starfield 102. It’s a great 4” refractor that’s fantastic value and quality. The images are crisp and clear with good contrast. For me it’s a great scope to accompany my 12” dobsonian. I stupidly sold my first one but quickly replaced it when I missed it so much.
  5. If you can see Polaris when in the home position with your telescope adjust the focusing on your polar scope. The reticle can still be seen with an out of focus polar scope.
  6. Have you set the home position on the mount yet? Once set and pointing North if you put your scope on it with a low power eyepiece you will definitely see Polaris. This will give you an indication of where you are.
  7. Is the mount still set at the previous owners latitude?
  8. If it’s powering the EQ5 alone you will comfortably get the 4/5 hours and still have charge left. I have used it throughout the winter as well without problems.
  9. I have used the LT for 4/5 hours driving my EQ5 pro and have still had charge left in it.
  10. The Celestron LT keeps the output voltage relatively constant throughout its discharge cycle which is great for your mount. For dew heaters this is not necessary.
  11. Great sketches. It’s making me want to pick up pencil and pad again.
  12. It’s the standard 2.1mm jack plug on the cable that fits into the same female on the Celestron LT.
  13. Is Arcturus actually visible in your sky at the time you set?
  14. The Celestron LT keeps a constant voltage throughout its discharge that’s why I use it for the mount. It was still showing over half charge after a 5 hour session. I only use it to power the mount and use the Dynamo power pack from FLO for my dew heaters.
  15. It looks like the right angle is only on one end now. If you place it in your EQ5 control box it will still remove the stress on the connection. The straight end can go in your power source. You could also send them an email asking for the right angle on both sides. They can only say no.
  16. You didn’t look hard enough. Just select right angle connections and your desired length.👇I can’t get the link to work.
  17. I also upgraded to the Starguider range of eyepieces and found them a good upgrade. The 15mm, 12mm and the 8mm were the best IMO. After a short time though I wanted better correction at the edges. The Baader Morpheus range has now satisfied this need.
  18. Also at 7.45pm it's broad daylight and will still be twilight at 10pm. How long will it be adjacent to the beehive?.
  19. I bought mine from Dew Control UK. They are good quality and if not in stock they can make them to your desired length and connections. I found that the Lynx cables are too heavy and put undue stress on the connection. I never need to remove mine from the EQ5 control box.
  20. I use a right angle connection to eliminate the stress and leave the short cable in the control box permanently. I simply plug the other end of the cable(also right angle) into the Celestron LT power pack on my tripod leg. This eliminates all the stress on both.
  21. They are definitely characters unto their own alright. I once took Argus into a corner shop for a few bits and pieces and while I was attending to the checkout I noticed that he was busy crunching his way through the loose potatoes on the vegetable rack and had started on the onions. I quietly reimbursed the shop owner and made a hasty exit.
  22. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos with us. The photo of the pups was enough to make me want to get another. What age is Rhubarb? My four were named, Bosun(no brainer there), Duke, Jed and Argus. I like the patch on Rhubarbs face and his white socks. Delightful.
  23. It will be better than your erecting prism diagonal you are presently using.
  24. Keep them for your next telescope🤔.
  25. I love this breed and have owned several over the years. My first was a large Red male just like your photo which bought back fond memories of him.
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