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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. You should use a diagonal for the comfort factor alone. You only require one barlow and the 127 will have no problem reaching focus.
  2. Found this on CN and it’s apparently for guiding. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/634317-deciding-a-mounts-sidereal-rate/
  3. I’ll have to look into this. We live and learn.
  4. I just set mine to sidereal regardless of my focal length.
  5. Can you explain. Sidereal rate is the speed of the sky rotation and doesn’t change.🤔.
  6. I don’t think that I’ll grow tired of observing the moon. I find that there’s always something new to observe and see in the changing shadows cast upon its surface. I am at present going through a list of the top 100 lunar targets.
  7. Well why post the photo and ask for opinions? If you are satisfied with it the way it is then that's all that matters.
  8. The 17.5mm Morpheus is far superior to the Starguider. I do like the Starguiders though and was contemplating buying a few pairs of them for binoviewing. I don’t really want to buy more expensive pairs until I decide whether binoviewing is for me or not. Still waiting for clear nights with preferably the moon in the sky to put this to the test.
  9. Isolate the secondary mirror with a sheet of coloured paper inserted in the tube blocking the primary and a white sheet flat directly opposite the focuser. This allows you to isolate the reflection of the primary and highlights the secondary. Just get it perfectly round and concentric with the focuser draw tube.
  10. I actually spent today by collimating my 6” reflector and classical Cassegrain. The reflector was the easy one and took literally minutes whereas the CC was a bit more tricky. All done now and just waiting for clear skies.
  11. Your secondary mirror is still not round and is clearly oval. Did you try the sheets of white and coloured paper i previously described. This isolates the secondary mirror allowing you to rotate the secondary mirror holder until it’s perfectly round and concentric with the focuser draw tube.
  12. You're obviously starstruck Michael 🤩.
  13. bosun21

    Belated hello

    Welcome Jeff and good to have you as part of SGL👋.
  14. More great images Kostas 👍. I’m going to be giving the planets a go myself now that Saturn is now visible at more sensible hours. Do you use an ADC?
  15. The eyepieces you have (red and black) are actually 68 degrees AFOV. You just need to try them in daylight and with your eye central to the eyepiece very slowly move your head back until you see the image in a bright perfectly circular disc. It sounds as though you have never looked through an eyepiece before but don’t be put off as you will soon get the hang of it.
  16. I agree with you up to a point. I don’t think, I know that an apo gives more pleasing views (at least to my eyes) and provides more enjoyment. I absolutely love my 4” apo but on a dark moonless night it can’t compete with my 12” dobsonian. This is to be expected considering it’s triple the aperture. Some people aren’t the least bit bothered by CA whereas others hate it. You probably fall into the former group.
  17. It works on my Pixel 6. Check that you have all the sensors turned on. Easily found on the pull down settings menu.
  18. Do one mirror at a time. Forget the primary mirror when sorting out the secondary, that’s why I recommend blocking the primary with a sheet of coloured paper. A lot of frustration is due to constantly moving from one to the other and endlessly chasing their tail. Once you are experienced and can recognize the individual reflections then the paper is not necessary.
  19. If you have been using the eyepieces that came with your telescope I would recommend upgrading to the very reasonably priced Starguider eyepieces. You will definitely see an improvement in your views without it costing an arm and a leg.
  20. The SL 80 degrees are not UFF and the 18mm UFF is actually 65 degrees 👍.
  21. This must be the recent relaxing of the requirements to obtain more codes. I was most definitely asked to submit my purchase receipt, but that was some time ago now.
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