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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. In the bottom photo next to the letters U1
  2. There’s a large piece of thrown solder which has come off of the resistor R680 (R80) next to the processor. There’s evidence of overheating here and as well as checking the component also check that this hasn’t caused a short between the tracks.
  3. A good quality barlow will result in a negligible amount of light loss , and indeed in my opinion can even improve the image produced by some eyepieces. Regarding upgrading your eyepieces as previously stated the Explore Scientific 82 & 68 degree eyepieces are a great upgrade, although costly. If wanting to save money then the well tried and tested BST Starguiders are a solid choice, particularly the 5 - 8 - 12 - 15mm. What I discovered was that I wished I had bypassed the middle of the road eyepieces, and instead went straight to the better quality ones straight away. I would have saved a lot of money. Good luck with whichever direction you choose to go in, but replace your super 10 ASAP.
  4. Thanks Dave, I’ve been looking on eBay, ABS etc to no avail. That was an interesting read and a bit of a gamble on the 100EDs. Thankfully it all paid off for you. I will have one last survey of the sites tonight, and if no joy I’ll pull the trigger on a new Starfield 102 from FLO. Knowing my luck a Vixen 102EDs will pop up. Oh well what will be, will be. Ian
  5. A warm welcome to the lounge Jacob👋
  6. That’s just the picture on the Baader Hyperion Zoom box
  7. DPD dropped off a new Takahashi diagonal I ordered. I’ll be putting it on my new refractor.
  8. There’s none these around for sale atm.
  9. They definitely don’t produce items like this anymore. Where did you come across this?
  10. Agreed, 👍, also the 17.5mm stands out for me. It took Baader several years of R&D after all the other sizes were released. They didn’t rush the development and that shows in the end product.
  11. The equinox is the older version of this scope. Thanks 👍
  12. I am not a fan of the CA i get with the Achromatic 120. I bought the semi apo filter and that certainly helps but casts a yellowish tint. There are local clubs but I am no longer able to drive due to health reasons. I don’t reckon I could dip my toes into astrophotography with any seriousness using the 120.
  13. Thanks all, I am not really interested in the diagonal or the Kellner eyepiece, although I could find a use for the 9x50 finder. I have a brand new dual speed Crayford focuser on my Evostar 120 that i could swap over to the 100ED if needed. I would most definitely use the aluminum case if I chose the 100ED. I am totally visual at the moment but I am considering dipping my toes into the dark arts of astrophotography.
  14. I am going to be ordering my new scope in the morning and I have settled on the Starfield 102. However the Skywatcher 100ED kit has caught my eye. Both are FPL53 glass and the same aperture. The 100ED comes with a 2” dielectric and the matched 0.85 F/R plus the aluminum case. This has thrown me a last minute curveball. Any last advice folks?
  15. Very nice 👍. Please let me know how you find it, as I’m contemplating buying one for myself. PS: I’ve just seen I’m not the first to ask for a report. lol.
  16. Which make of OIII filter were you using?
  17. Thanks Don, that was an extremely thorough and detailed review of the APM zoom. You certainly left no stone unturned.
  18. I have just seen the Explore Scientific essentials 102ED triplet. Does anyone know anything about these? They are £985. I’m ordering my scope on Monday and it’s still the Starfield that’s the firm favorite.
  19. I have both the AZ4 and the EQ5 pro go to sitting waiting for my new 102. I’ll be putting it on the EQ5 pro though.
  20. Welcome to the lounge Peter 👋
  21. These two Vixen EP’s were bought from the bay. The seller said that they needed a clean,(questionable) so this is the result of the said dust removal
  22. Another visit from the postman today. A 2X Vixen barlow and a 17mm plossl. I already have a Celestron Ultima (Japan) 2x, so I’ll decide which one to keep and sell the other. I bought the Plossl with the plan of a future binoviewer pair.🤔
  23. I already have an Evostar 120/1000 mounted on a brand new EQ5 pro go to mount. I am intending in simply swapping the scopes over
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