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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I don't think that the diameter of the secondary will make the collimation anymore difficult/easier. It's the actual focal ratio of the telescope that determines this. F4 can be sensitive to any collimation errors.
  2. One of my favourite visual targets.
  3. Welcome to SGL from Oxford 👋.
  4. Yes indeed, however I prefer more of a side on ring orientation.
  5. Are you are using the diagonal to clear the base of the mount at or near the zenith ? You can fit a longer Vixen rail allowing you to move the scope upwards relevant to the mount. You can remove the Clicklocks and attach the diagonal directly to the reducer and the same with the camera. You have to measure exactly how much backspace you need to reclaim.
  6. Yes i know exactly what you mean. I put my 180 Mak out a good three hours before using it. It's got to be a proper clear night with several apps agreeing. The view through my uncooled Mak is an underwater experience for sure. When properly cooled though it's tack sharp.
  7. I'm not going to hold my breath for a clear night to image the occultation. I have it marked in my calender with a notification just in case.
  8. Yes i have a few which i will de rotate and have another play tomorrow. The weather does not look good for the remainder of the week unfortunately. When is your next holiday?
  9. Out last night and early this morning to have a go at Saturn. I struggle to achieve good focus on my 10" Synscan dobsonian due to vibrations when zoomed in so much. I use an electric focuser when using my 180 Maksutov but i haven't as yet came up with something similar for my Steeltrack focuser on the dobsonian. Anyway this is the best i could come up with. Skywatcher 250 Synscan Dobsonian, ASI462MC, 3X ES Extender and a ZWO ADC. No derotation.
  10. Nice first attempt. Yes he means dropping the exposure when capturing it so that it's not as bright. This allows for some detail to be seen. I was out imaging last night/this morning as well and you have reminded me to process the images.
  11. Yes I agree. I have a set of BST Starguiders apart from the 15mm (need to get one) that I use for outreach. The 25mm is the poorest in the bunch and I always just select my 32mm plossl.
  12. Postie delivered today my Baader Solar Continuum Filter 7.5nm. Now all set to try out my new wedge when the clouds play ball.
  13. The 32mm Celestron Omni is a decent lower priced optic. It's also got decent feedback on CN. I use both it and the 40mm doing outreach at a local school. The 32mm is nice and sharp providing 50°. No additional FOV is gained using the 40mm.
  14. They are ideal for screwing into an extension. It's just when used directly in the camera I found that they use up the threads.
  15. I have found these to be too thick as they take up most of the M42 thread leaving the camera barely hanging on by a single turn.
  16. Just came indoors just now. Out until this hour to capture Saturn. I also spent a couple of hours on a variety of targets with both the dobsonian and my 80ED. Jupiter and Mars hanging out together in Taurus as i was breaking things down. It's now 3.35am.
  17. This is puzzling. When imaging Saturn I basically have the planet static on the screen with a small ROI. This has been with an EQ5, HEQ5 and my AZ-EQ6. I've used a 120 apo, 180 Maksutov and even my 10" go to dobsonian. A small drift can be down to PA or not levelled properly with the dobsonian, but I've never heard of what you describe. I hope you find the culprit. PS: AVX's can be quirky. I would put it through a factory reset.
  18. Out tonight again to primarily image Saturn. I will occupy myself on a host of targets until the wee hours when Saturn can be imaged
  19. Depending where the previous owner sourced the parts to carry out the upgrade to go to, or whether he bought the designated upgrade kit new. A lot of the cheaper belts can be prone to stretching easily which can cause tiny amounts of slippage. I am not familiar with the older style EQ6 but some degree of disassembly will be necessary.
  20. Do you have a link for the finder scope bracket by any chance Wes?
  21. I can level my 10" Synscan dobsonian in a minute or two using a spirit level and some pieces of card to place under the rubber feet where required. This is sufficient for very accurate go to and my targets remaining in the eyepiece/camera for up to an hour tracking, which is the longest I've left it.
  22. Delivery on Saturday of a Starfield Herschel Wedge. Just need the clouds to disappear now. I also ordered a Baader Solar Continuum Filter from FLO but it's a 7-10 day wait.
  23. Lovely photos. I just received my new wedge on Saturday but it's been cloudy since then. I have both my eyepiece case and 462MC at the ready.
  24. Your crossover point is the focal point. That's where your eyepiece would need to be to achieve focus. This is directly obstructing the primary mirror in your drawing.
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