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Posts posted by Uplooker

  1. You will be glad to hear I have run all catering equipment through the dishwasher, cleaned the box and stove.

    Just checked the central-ness of secondary and collimated scope. Packed 90% of bag and accumulated other Astronomy related gubbins. 

    I even remembered to put a towel in my bag 🙄

    So all in all I am ahead of schedule. Think that means I am going to forget something 😇

    • Haha 3
  2. To find the sun, if using basic equipment, I find the best way is to use my phone’s compass to get the EQ mount pointing in the correct direction i.e. North. I then use a bit of card held behind the EP end of the scope and adjust the RA and DEC until the image ( shadow) of the scope is at its smallest/ most round.The sun is then in the FoV.

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  3. Lee, no worries with putting the tent up (erect). We will all help. It’s that bloke Derren you need to watch out for. He will just stand there with his hands in his pockets delivering wise cracks at inopportune moments. Examples being “You don’t want to do it like that, you want to do it this way!”, “Have you ever put a tent up before?” or “What’s taking you so long” 

    Dont listen to him, the rest of us will help out. Last word of warning - don’t ever try drinking any of that mouth wash that he brings. He will constantly tell you it’s Whisky ( without an e), it’s not ! He’s a bit like Donald Trump, if he says an untruth often enough, it must be fact!

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    • Haha 3
  4. 6 hours ago, wackyscot said:

    Might be interesting to do a head count by just adding your name to this thread, at the last count we had 17 coming From Astronomy Scotland Facebook group. So I'll start by adding my name and number, just add a name and whoever is next add number 2, then 3 and so on. 

    David - going 1

    Ian - 07765 661233. Oh, when you said add your name and number I thought it was a dating website 🥰

    • Haha 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Demon Barber said:

    Hi All, good news there is a new fish and chip shop in Newton Stewart prices are very reasonable, a good range of cooked to order food,and a sit in if you fancy, it’s open 12 to 9pm every day.

    There are copies of their price list on site.

    The field is in great condition and the skies as good as I’ve seen them,I’ve been up for a week and cannot wait for the event,any questions please pm me



    Damian, I hope you like fish and chips, I might not be cooking this time. Sorry, rephrase that, I might not be cooking in the evening. Will be doing breakfast - heaven forbid!!!

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  6. On 22/03/2019 at 22:17, Mr Flibble said:

    Cool. That means I'll only have to have conversations with myself for three days until company arrives ?

    Hope you're keeping well ?

    I never have much luck speaking to you for any length of time as you generally leave or are getting ready to leave, just as I arrive.

    However, I am sure you appreciate the opportunity to enjoy dark skies somewhat more than having to listen my nonsense ?

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