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Posts posted by Uplooker

  1. 9 minutes ago, John said:

    The Delos 17.3 is excellent. It's the heaviest of my lightweight set though. I recently picked up a Nagler 13mm T6 which shows nearly as much sky in a much smaller package. The Delos is really easy and relaxing to use though so I'm happy to give it case room.

    As you say though, these are nice "problems" to have to think through :icon_biggrin:

    Hi John,

    funny you should proclaim your liking for the Nagler 13mm, it just seems to be my most used EP in the Dob, other than the finder 26mm Nag

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, popeye85 said:

    I've gone for the gold ol' flight case aswell! Oops, I'm in danger of looking like I know what I'm doing when I go out with this!

    Not the most high end of ep's but hopefully that will change over time.


    Don't do yourself or your case down, everyone starts somewhere and then goes on to discover what suits them and buys accordingly. You will some cases that just one espouse £££££. That is not the norm, just the nice to have ?

    • Like 2
  3. 21 minutes ago, nightfisher said:

    The scopes are multiplying, i have just received a rather nice and completely unexpected gift from my good lady, this Brass alt az refractor, optics look clear and it has a lovely helical focuser, will this be my travel/ grab and go scope

    Brass scope.JPG

    Cool ?. Is it 0.965 or 1.25" ?

    No astro goodies for me, although I did buy myself another scope just before Christmas that nobody needs to know about ?

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, estwing said:

    yes mate its been a while....think it was you who had my slice of cake at the last PSP...!looking forward to your first light report, any planned night?,location?...

    What's that I hear you say "Damian eating someone else's last piece of cake". I have never heard such truth!!!!! ?

    • Like 2
  5. Having had a look through the finished article, it's lovely to see it at all stages of construction.

    Are you sure you are not a Tech Pubs writer in another life? Very well written and documented.

    You would certainly have need a few pies as sustenance during this build?

    I suspect that you're telescope building antics will result in many people's downfall as they attempt to replicate you're workmanship?

    Cracking job and cracking scope ?

    • Like 1
  6. I have owned a Type 1 TV Paracorr and currently use a Type 2 on my 12" Dob. The biggest difference I would highlight is that the Type 1 only has 1 off screw to lock the tuneable top. I found that this introduced an element of slop in the tuneable top if using a heavy EP. The Type 2 has 2 off locking screws on almost opposing sides. This locks the tuneable top more securely and eliminates the slop.

    • Like 1
  7. Get stuck in big man! I am really hoping and yet confident that this bit of success is the motivation and encouragement that you have been needing for quite some time. I sense a renewed vigor within you Damian, keep at it. I think you have been bitten too many times to rush in, take it gently and you will quickly forget the grief of past times

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