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Everything posted by Ags

  1. Maybe the update flipped sides. There are two version 3.30s - which one did you download? Doesn't support EQ mode (left arm): Does support EQ mode (right arm):
  2. Looks like the handset I had with my NexStar 4SE - not completely sure as the telescope moved on to a new owner years ago.
  3. Is the telescope on the "correct" side of the mount? Try mounting the scope on the opposite side and see if it improves.
  4. With my ST80 I felt that it scattered away the blues leaving all stars white or orange. I also find dark adaptation weakens color sensitivity. A quick glance at my neighboring streetlight makes the colors pop.
  5. I have had my doubts about my 8 year old lead acid power tank... Trying to charge it now but I think it is dead. Looking at this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/celestron-lithium-lifepo4-powertank-pro.html
  6. To be honest I have mostly given up on the mount, haven't used it once since I last vented my frustration on the forum. I am tending to think a an EQ3-2 with non-computerized clock drive might be better for me - 01:00 AM is not the time to be fighting the silicon gremlins!
  7. Was just about to paste the release notes too. Not very informative, are they?
  8. My AZ GTi is a bit buggy (random spontaneous slewing) so maybe this will fix the issue?
  9. It varied with placement in the eyepiece.
  10. Despite the conditions I did say hello to M31 with my new Speer WALER 13.4 mm eyepiece. Just a smudge with city light pollution, Moon and haze, but I hope for better things in two weeks time.
  11. On a hazy be-Mooned night I tried a couple of doubles. Cassiopeia is coming back up so I tried out Eta Cass, which was an easy split (12"). Sigma Cass at 3" was unsplittable, although it was elongated. With the haze and moonlight maybe I couldn't pick out the secondary from the brighter primary. I could however make out the much fainter companion of Polaris.
  12. Issue only shows up in the outer quarter so it detracts from the whole-Moon view, but not from examining any particular part. In general no major complaints with the eyepieces so far; comfy, give great views, and as cheap (second hand) as a good Plossl. Only the edge of the Moon in the outer field shows up the lateral color.
  13. Had a brief session viewing the top ⅔ of the Moon (the remainder was below the garden wall) and was using the 4.9 mm for 80x magnification at f5.9. The view was nice and sharp (and comfortable), but the eyepiece does have a lot of lateral color.
  14. Feel in a less dark mood now I had my first lunar session with the scope. Somehow the floaters that have been annoying me at 65x while observing the Sun were not apparent observing the Moon even at 80x. Lovely crisp views. No false color on the Moon's limb - at first I thought there was, but it was the eyepiece.
  15. Not sure that would help... I get masses of floaters looking up at a blue sky with both eyes open. Looks like I can't really go much above 60x with this scope. At 80x I can still shake the floaters aside for brief moments, but that's it. The scope gets lovely views up to 60x, but I think I just have to accept the limits of my vision. This is why I got a C6, so I could get up to around 130-150x on planets, but that scope feels too fragile and pricey to travel with. So now I have a smaller, cheaper, more robust scope, but now the compromise is limited magnification.
  16. I have been doing solar sessions all week, the scope gives lovely views, but I just can't push the magnification because of floaters. This was my main concern with getting a small scope, but you can't break the laws of physics. It's also probably why I am struggling with tighter splits of doubles - the floaters are still there even if they aren't immediately apparent. 🙄
  17. Deleted. @rotatux corrected me below.
  18. Ags

    DIY Star Charts

    First draft is complete and I am working through the first round of edits. Also playing with jazzing up the layout. My latest idea is adding icon bullets to the descriptions.
  19. Yes, Blue Origin looks safer, and it is a proper rocket.
  20. Indeed I am concerned only with visual performance, small size and low weight - just 3 kg.
  21. Spotted this today. Totally convinced it is my sweet spot. Next step is to analyze it to death for three years, then buy something else... 🤣 https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p13519_TS-Optics-ED-Apo-96-mm-f-6-with-2-5-Inchl-RAP-Focuser---ED-Objective-from-Japan.html
  22. Is that a 1.25" drawtube on the back?
  23. Definitely 66 mm. And 72 mm. Also 80 mm. 100 mm hits the spot. 120 mm too. Don't forget 150 mm!
  24. Well... I was looking at Saturn last night with my new zenithstar 66. I was surprised how well it performed.
  25. Best views were definitely wide field (2½ degrees, 30x) and easy doubles. Rather than chasing tight splits (at least until I get an eyepiece around 3mm that works).
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