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Everything posted by Ags

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/16/ultra-thin-film-could-one-day-turn-regular-glasses-into-night-vision-goggles-researchers-say Also if people can get night glasses, maybe they won't need so many streetlights.
  2. I have an AZT6 and a Castor. The Castor is a definite upgrade and great for dual scope use, in fact I have never tried it with just one! The Castor is a real solid lump of metal and seems to like more not less load, so it seems smoother with my C6 than my little Mak 102. But I have never gone above 5kg on either side. To be honest I use the AZT6 more with just an ST80 (being lighter and I usually only have one scope out) and I am thinking of swapping my Castor for a SkyWatcher AZ5.
  3. INDI can control the M100 and many other M-series. Gives me the option of running everything from my Raspberry PI. http://gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support.php https://www.indilib.org/ccds/gphoto.html
  4. I seem to have found an intervalometer app that supports the M100 over WIFI. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rupiapps.cameraprocontrol
  5. I underestimated how light it is getting. It's midnight and clear blue sky to the north...I need to wait for another hour to have a chance but it's a work night.
  6. Set up for lucky imaging of M57 tonight.
  7. Or maybe I should give up on Canon and get a second hand Sony A6000? Looks like E mount lenses are pretty cheap second hand.
  8. I sold my old 1100D a while back (too big) so looking at a mirrorless alternative. A second-hand M100 is about in my price range. I am looking at using it for widefield with camera lenses and on the end of a C6 af F6.3, always for short exposures in the range of 5-15 seconds. So far I have two seemingly insurmountable problems with this plan: short battery life with no usb charging (240 shots on one battery) and it seems very hard to find an intervalometer that will work with the M100? Mirrorless is important to me as with short exposures, I don't want a mirror clacking every few seconds. As all astro cameras are CMOS these days, does that mean a Cannon is on a level playing field now aside from the issue of Ha sensitivity?
  9. No worries, I do the same on Dutch astronomy forums. I can write in Dutch, but I like to have Google Translate as a second opinion!
  10. I have been in a box for a while thinking about getting a 70mm ED scope for visual use. Thinking outside that box why not a Mercury 707 instead? I have never looked through one, but at F10 and only 2.7" aperture, CA should be well controlled. The scope is let down by it's mount, but I would buy OTA only. The 707's price and weight are very attractive, and only the length makes it a bit doubtful as a travelscope. Could it replace my ST80 as a green light solar scope without melting? Is the focuser as bad as it looks? There is also a 60mm 700mm focal length OTA for even less money - there should be no CA in that...
  11. Ags

    DIY Star Charts

    I have started adding in the chapters like "acknowledgements" and "how to use this book". I also applied a consistent sort to the doubles in each section, so that everything is in a consistent order. I changed the style to use more blue and I'm trying out a thinning line for the double label pointers.
  12. This didn't get delivered today but I found it today after I lost it for several years. The book that sparked my interest in observational astronomy over 40 years ago!
  13. Tried it out last night. It works well for doubles like Zeta Lyrae and Albireo, although the amici prism causes artifacts around brighter stars. Also scanned some star fields in Cygnus and had a look at M57. The views were very pleasing! Eyepieces used: ES 6.7/82°, SLV 6/45°, Plossls 20-25mm.
  14. Seems to work for flowerspotting, it that's a thing...
  15. @iapa Yes, it can be grab and go if it is not a strain. 8 kilos with 2 hands is more my level. @Pixies I can't get on with binoculars, this will give the same views without shakes and double vision. Or maybe that's the whiskey 😆 Now I am thinking about a 60mm ED scope, but why are the 60mms more expensive than the 70mms?
  16. I quite like the low power views through this 50mm RACI finder, so I have been wondering if this is a realistic travel setup. Using various eyepieces for a magnification of 8 to 35 and a field of view of up to 7 degrees, its more flexible than the average binoculars and a lot more stable too. The whole setup weighs less than 3kgs.
  17. Decided not to go for the svbony in the end. The idea of a disposable eyepiece just feels wrong to me, enough junk in the world. I have decided on getting an ES 16mm 68 degrees instead - it is more money but the optics are of unquestionable quality. it will give 5 degrees FOV and just under 4mm exit pupil so stars will be brighter and the sky background might be a bit darker. The Super 25 gives a 6mm exit pupil which is way too big for a very light polluted observing spot. Also the 16/68 will be a spiritual successor to the Hyperion 17mm I once owned and enjoyed (at f13).
  18. @John that's about what I am hoping for, better construction and maybe a bit less scatter. But now I will have to wait longer for the Morpheus 17.5.
  19. I've been putting off buying a better diagonal for about 8 years, so enough's enough! I've clicked buy.
  20. I have been using the freebie diagonals that came with my telescopes for a while, and the one thing that really annoys me is that the eyepiece clamping screw is so high up it scratches the bottom of fatter eyepieces. And they do tend to disassemble... But I don't know if a diagonal optically makes any difference. Will this improve my views through my C6 at all? https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/de/info/p1771_TS-Optics-1-25--TS-Optics-1-25--Star-Diagonal-with-ring-clamb---99----1-12-Lambda.html The alternative is to save for another month, and get this: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p8086_Baader-Morpheus-17-5-mm-76--Weitwinkelokular---neue-Generation.html
  21. Ags

    DIY Star Charts

    I have been adding in the essential book features that my book generator wasn't handling up till now. Table of contents: And the index: And overflow plates for the more crowded regions of the sky (a second plate is generated when there are too many doubles on the chart): And brutal label pruning (overlapping labels not generated, as for the middle star in Orion's belt): I'm losing sleep over whether labels go over or under the stars...
  22. I am thinking about picking up a few cheap and light 2 inch eyepieces to use in my f10 C6. The 30mm and 42mm StellaLyra Superviews both weigh less than 300g, so I'm interested? Would these produce good (plossl quality) views across the full FOV at f10? To complete my potential 2 inch set, maybe I can add the Astro Essentials 56mm plossl? Has anyone tried this? I imagine the eye relief is tricky... I'm aware there will be vignetting, given the small size of the SCT inner baffle.
  23. The resolution of a telescope is determined only by the aperture not the focal length. You can use a barlow for planetary imaging, but only to match the telescope's native resolution to the pixel size of the chip (more focal length means bigger image scale, which would be a better match for a sensor with big pixels).
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