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Everything posted by Ags

  1. I believe that was fixed a while ago, still something to think about when buying second hand.
  2. I really do like these eyepieces. I have a 25 mm for the Sun with my Quark, and a 6 mm for planets in my f6 scopes. I don’t need, but I absolutely want, to build a set of 2.5, 4, 6, 9, 15, and 25. It’s a nearly perfect 1.5x progression, and would be great for my two small refractors! I have an NLV 9 and 12, but their build quality is so far below the SLVs the NLVs’ Japanese glass is no compensation…
  3. Although the Sun was in the sky, it was technically night as I had a blackout hood draped over my head. My DayStar Solar Scout emerged from its winter abode today. It didn’t see its shadow so I predict clear skies until Autumn. It took a while to find the right tuning but I eventually settled on +4 and 43 mm aperture. Several spots were visible as well as a detached filament and an intense loop on the western limb of the Sun. It was first light for my SLV 25 mm, which I bought specifically for this scope, as well as my Astro Essentials amici prism, which seemed to perform excellently although the Moon and higher magnifications will be a more exacting test. The SLV 25 is a keeper.
  4. Those charts do not look very accurate 😀
  5. Far more importantly that any risk of hypothermia, doesn't ethanol also negatively affect visual acuity?
  6. Turns out the WO shoe didn't quite fit the ZS66. It is a little too long and extends past the focusser and rides up on the chamfer of the telescope tube. Aside from misaligning the finder scope, it also made the focusser unrotatable. So I had to take a file to brand new shoe today to taper off its base.
  7. Attached my new finder shoes to the C6 and ZS66, so I have more scope options with the HEM15, as I can mount the FMA135 as guider/finder scope on these scopes now.. Not impressed with the build quality of the C6 - finder holes are obviously out of true (no surprise as I was never able to align the RDF).
  8. All a quintuplet is, is a doublet/triplet with a built in field flattener. A triplet is just a doublet with an extra lens for better color correction, but both doublets and triplets have about the same field curvature.
  9. woot woot! I found my ZWO DUO filter and the renegade T2 adapter!!!!!
  10. An inexpensive amici prism for looking at the Moon and a finder project, a low profile SCT-T2 adapter, and two finder shoes. I bought the Baader shoe for my ZS66 but it only fits the C6. I bought the WO shoe for the C6 but it only fits the ZS66.
  11. The Bortle Scale doesn't put me off observing from my city site, but it helps explain what I see to others, and to understand what others see from their locations.
  12. I am still finding new ways of being indecisive, having narrowed the choice down to 1 scope, the CC8, I think I have come up with a cheaper and probably optically better option. How about the Orion Optics VX8L? It weighs 8kg, so it fits in the weight budget, and if it is upgraded to 1/10 PV option it comes to about 840 euros... It would beat the CC8 on actual aperture, be about the same weight (but a lot longer), and have a much smaller secondary. Obvious drawbacks are it would be very wind-affected, and visual use is a non-starter on an EQ mount. The VX8 is also a possibility - the secondary is still smaller than the CC8 and it is a kilo lighter. It will be a little easier to mount and a little less vulnerable to wind, but collimation at f4.5 (vs f6) would be more fiddly. I used to have a 150pds that put up very nice images of Jupiter but sadly I didn't have the right mount for it, so I know a simple newtonian can do very well... The two things that go against either the VX8 or VX8L are (1) Orion Optics UK's reputation, and (2) I really think newts on EQs are unsuitable for visual use. However for visual use I can set it up on an alt-az mount like a skytee.
  13. I was quite impressed I could guide at 0.5s. I do however think this level of cloud is unfair. When I was growing up in South Africa I had a little book of astronomy that talked about "crisp, clear winter nights" in the UK. Coming to Europe I feel cheated! We have made up our minds to move to Greece next year to join family members there. We should see a few more clear nights and be a couple of bortles darker. But we will be poorer! Good thing I got this round of purchasing in now
  14. I also struggle with Lunar Geography, even get the seas mixed up!
  15. Looks like I am using 0.5 guide speed. I was using a guide exposure of 0.5s and 1s - I didn’t notice much difference between them.
  16. Change the rule for posting for sale ads to requiring 50 posts in the past year.
  17. I have a few more bits coming for my setup. A couple of finder shoes - for my ZS66 and C6, so that I can mount the FMA135 on those tubes for guiding purposes. Then getting an additional SCT-T2 adaptor because I lose stuff. Also got an amici diagonal so the FMA135 can be used as a visual finder on overseas trips (not sure about the backfocus though).
  18. Actually, what is this guide speed you speak of…? I don’t see such an option in the user interface?
  19. No comment ... I don't know enough about guiding to give a good answer, and I haven't had enough time under the stars to find what works better or worse with this setup.
  20. I have had a couple of sessions with the new setup and had many rainy nights to cogitate, so I think I can sum up my feelings about the HEM15. I really like this mount (used only in combination with a diminutive ASIAIR Mini) - aligning the EQ mount is really easy thanks to the good mechanics of the HEM15, and the clever Air software. Thereafter gotos assisted with plate solving are not merely accurate, they are exact and verified. Guiding in my very limited experience "just works". There seems very little backlash, if any when I was panning about the Moon. The mount is silent and obviously up to the task of swinging my undemanding loads around. The HEM15 and Air both draw very little current. This is a massive upgrade over the AZ-GTi, and I am very happy with my purchase.
  21. Or a Zoom call which would allow remote viewing of the item.
  22. I am a UK citizen and I use US spelling whenever possible, it is just a little bit more logical. Just saying, in case anyone thinks I am a scam 😀
  23. I am still using the 485MC, I can't complain but it was a bit annoying when the 585MC came out a couple of months later with zero amp glow...
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