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    Travel, art, astronomy, photography, music, the theatre, chess and mathematics.
  • Location
    East Anglia UK

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  1. Interesting fact I discovered yesterday - the Dadaist and Surrealist artist Max Ernst was a big fan of the German astronomer Wilhelm Tempel - comet discoverer extraordinaire.  Max produced a series of drawings and symbols which he labelled as 'illegal astronomies'. Bloke was absolutely barking, thought he had hatched from an egg laid by his mother. However, his artistic endeavours offer wonderful off world and alien landscapes. Creations no more strange than the false colour images we routinely capture. I also discovered that he  used state of the art 'wet photography' techniques to achieve his finished works. Sounds a bit familiar? What he might have achieved if Photoshop had been available will never be known!

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    2. Hawksmoor


      Hi Reggie

      Thanks for your reply. Pretty sure I have listened to some of your music by following a link you posted in the past. Liked it! - I still play a guitar and banjo and have in the past played other instruments and gigs. I like making marks be they musical, poetical, sculptural, architectural, photographic or painterly and best of all by melding the above together. I'm pretty sure the only reason we are here is to make marks! If you are interested most of my art and poetry stuff is on my blog Cabine du Jardin deux.blog spot. My astronomy blog is linked to that site and is called the Jodrell Plank Observatory.

      All the best Reggie.


    3. orion25


      I've attached my music to some of my astronomy videos in the imaging section. I play piano, synths, guitar, bass and drums. Thanks for the link to your blog!




    4. orion25


      Beautiful work, George! I can see the love you put into your creations. The mosaics are exquisite and the prints are very inventive. I enjoyed the poetry and storytelling, too!  AND your astrophotos are incredible; you are truly multi-talented in a number of disciplines :) 

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