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Everything posted by Kryptic

  1. +1 for plate solving. And 👍 for Ekos polar alignment module.
  2. Yeah, I missed the PA assist module slew speed drop-down - I reckon it was that
  3. Didn't notice a flashing led. This describes exactly same https://indilib.org/forum/ekos/5628-slow-slew-rate-when-polar-aligning-or-manually-controlling-mount.html After stopping the polar align process, back to park position was as expected And I think this sorts out the issue - https://indilib.org/forum/ekos/7057-polar-alignment-question.html Appreciate your assistance @wimvb
  4. Thanks @Paul M- hadn't thought about connecting phone to Astroberry hotspot to share over IP - will give that a try, (And then give up and get a USB dongle )
  5. With some clear skies overhead this evening, I took the opportunity to do a shakedown of the new rig. I have a Skywatcher EQ3 Pro - thanks @Jamgood A Raspberry Pi running Astroberry Canon DSLR with either 70-200mm f2.8 or 100-400 f4.5 RVO 32mm mini guide scope ZWO 120mm mini CCD 12v leisure battery Self build 12v power distro box (3x12v & 6xUSB3) Yesterday, I got the focus pretty close on the guide scope - thanks @gilesco, @Chefgage& @m.tweedyfor advice. Got the mount set up - tripod level, roughly polar aligned. Haven't got the bits to mount both DSLR and guide scope yet, so just DSLR mounted. Kstars \ INDI on Astroberry talking nicley to mount and camera Alignment - offline plate solving working Polar alignment - image capture no problem, but when it came to rotating the mount, it was very very slow. Not sure what's going on there - must be a setting somewhere. Direct control was the same (software hand controller). Messing with this gave the clouds time to roll in. Was going to fine tune focus on guide scope - but clouds For a shakedown, pretty pleased with this. Even though I didn't get any images, good to get stuff working, having never done any of this before. Pic is the power distro box
  6. Hi, can anyone recommend an app on Android that will serve GPS data to Astroberry server via Bluetooth? I've got "Bluetooth GPS output" but that doesn't seem to work TIA
  7. Seeking wisdom as to how to go about focusing one of these please https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/rvo-32mm-f4-mini-guide-scope.html
  8. Not even a little bit - I joined SGL this morning just to ask as that was posted and threw a spanner in works of waiting for SA availability
  9. Thanks, Budgie. Your observation about 2nd hand kit is exactly the reason I asked It'll have to be travelling (albeit not necessarily far - 15-20 mins)
  10. Thanks Yeah, I've done quite a bit of research and SA results can be very impressive. My other thought though... is it worth considering something like the EQ3 so that guiding is an option in future?
  11. Hi, Noob after some advice please... I've started out taking static images with dslr on tripod and stacking them. I think I now want to start down the path of tracking. As I'm starting out, I don't really want to throw thousands at building kit like some of you have (where do you get all that money?) My initial thought was to start with a Star Adventurer... but... Might it be better to go with something like an EQ3? My initial goals are to try to get some decent images of stuff like Adromeda Galaxy and Orion nebula Any thoughts \ advice greatly appreciated
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