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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I am trying to improve on my ISS and I think this morning it was really good conditions and it is showing in the final results. 50000 frames of which I managed a few good sets for stacking. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter, ROI 640x480 at 300fps. Gain 260, exposure 0.5ms. PIPP, Autistakkert and Astrosurface. The last one has been sharpened in Topaz Sharpening. Tonight the pass is at 60 degrees which usually is the best to capture the panels against the sun.
  2. I had a try at Jupiter and Saturn this morning around 2am before ISS came. The sky looked clear with the Milky way visible. I think this is my best Jupiter. Saturn in colour, IR and combination of the two. I also did an IR on Jupiter. I was too tired to wait until they were higher up, ISS is keeping me busy these days 🤣. 8" Dob, 2x TV powermate, asi462mc with either UV/IR cut or IR pass. PIPP, Autostakkert, Astrosurface; I still struggle with Registax and I probably need some pointers.
  3. My humble attempt on your data in Astrosurface.
  4. Nice. Gosh you are shooting through daylight 😱 at 536!
  5. I have the 200P and is an amazing telescope. Yes it's not dark yet to see DSO but it is getting there. You may want to look at the observing reports here with similar setup. A copy of Turn left at Orion I'd a great book, and things will look similar to the sketches there. Don't expect colour in most nebulas. Invest in a RACI and an atlas or some phone app to find your way around. Have a look here as well:
  6. Very nice capture and processing. Nice band colour and Cassini division almost all the way round.
  7. I love how the bands with the different colours are coming through.
  8. Nice details and the moon is also looking very good. You are still managing to pull nice details even under these conditions.
  9. Thanks. Roughly 2am as I was setting up for my ISS capture at 3am.
  10. Very nice despite the weather. I am not sure what's going on since the skies looked ok this morning. Maybe the heat from the ground and the dew? I had similar issues with my ISS imaging.
  11. That would be awesome, wouldn't it? We can only dream and Space X is the closest to this dream if I had the money 💸.
  12. Thanks Laurence. Yes the top left is a stack of the best 15 frames. I think it can get better if the weather plays ball this weekend/next week.
  13. Thanks Dave. It is the stack of the best 15 frames and sharpened in Astrosurface.
  14. Another 'clear' morning and an opportunity to capture ISS at 3am 😴. Despite the sky looking good, transparency was awful again. Of the 45000 frames that had ISS in them only 15 were usable near zenith but they delivered the best ISS I have captured so far. This was at 88 degrees at 3am; from Sunday the passes will be late at night rather 3am. I love how the yellow colours are coming through the panels. I have also added a single frame of the good one and some of the bad frames to show how bad the transparency was. 8" Dob manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x TV powermate. Gain290 and exposure 0.5ms. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface.
  15. Thanks Joe. I am happy to be out observing faint nebulas again.
  16. It changes so quickly. I had 30 min of fantastic seeing at Veil last night but it quickly changed. I found if the met office reports VG seeing them it is pretty stable. I only recall 2-3 nights of amazing seeing this year back in January.
  17. Yes it is frustrating with the seeing, we have not had a stable night in long time.
  18. Yes same manufacturer but slightly different specs.
  19. I followed that discussion. My understanding was that the TV was a bit tighter on the band pass? I have nothing to compare it to but it has been amazing so far.
  20. In preparation of ISS fly over I had a quick go on Jupiter. The seeing was pretty good when I got it. Some nice banding is coming through. asi462mc, 2x barlow. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax (at least trying 🤣).
  21. The only filter I have, which was recommended to me by experienced SGL members, is this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/televue-filters/tele-vue-bandmate-oiii-filter.html It is a bit tighter than the one that Steve recommended above. My skies are quite dark, bortle 3, so I do not have a LP filter. On a good night I can see the Veil without a filter but it really pops with the OIII.
  22. I am quite lucky with my site and that's what got me into the hobby. Ring and dumbbell are relatively bright which probably helps with your location; do you use any filters at all that may help with light pollution?
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