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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I made several captures on the 30th July with the hope to have some good ones for processing, and I thought to put them in a little animation. They span 3-4am, although there are gaps of 5-10min in some of the captures. I tried to keep the processing the same for all the captures. Hats off to the ones that make super good animations, it is a lot of work.
  2. @neil phillipsI reprocessed the last image in a less complicated way and I think it has a more natural feeling to it.
  3. Great report and good to read you got your mojo back. I think the lack of proper astrodarkness is not helping either. I was also happy to see the Veil a few weeks back and it also reignited my visual passion; I seem to have shifted to planetary and ISS imaging to keep sane until nebulas are back. Keep these observations going whenever possible.
  4. Yes I agree, a bit too much; at first it looked good in my eyes.
  5. I agree it is a lot better. There is the other one. I have a few more captures to go through so maybe seeing might be better in the others. PS still looking into the EQ platform. Thanks for the tips on the processing.
  6. I think both are storms as the GRS was not in view at this time this morning.
  7. This is a combination of 1.5x drizzle and using a combination of deconvolution in Astrosurface and wavelets in Registax. I think it looks better but happy for your feedback, good or bad..
  8. According to this calculator I am over sampling. I have a 2.5x powermate but clouds rolled in before i had a chance to test it.
  9. Thanks Louis for the emission lines, they are very useful. I assume i need to source the 'Improved DGM NPB'. By the way, the other image is tripping my eyes 🤪 but I only see blue and red lines. Is that a good think?
  10. Thank you very much for the rankings and excellent explanation on the different filters. It seems that I will have to source a DGM.
  11. I am pleased with the result and it is giving me confidence for later in the year.
  12. I agree it was very good this morning. Mars usually looks like a disco ball . I was getting tired to let it rise more.
  13. Thanks. I prefer the more natural look than pushing too much.
  14. @si@niteand @neil phillips thanks both for the suggestions. Bare with my ignorance but upscaling, does it mean use drizzle or just increase the size ? Neil, I will look up the value when I am back later and report. I feel I should be able to pull some more details. Rainy weather tomorrow, so I can rework them .
  15. @Louis D and @scarp15 I agree that my OIII is giving me great views in my 8" Dob. I will look into the Nebustar. @Jiggy 67 I have no issues with my OIII and most of the time if transparency is bad then there is not much benefit. I have fairly good skies and even Veil can be observed without a filter but it pops better with one. The Astronomik allows some red through, does that make much of a difference compared to a narrow band UHC?
  16. My other target last night was Jupiter. I think this is my best effort so far with this gas giant. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax and Gimp. I have more captures to go through slowly but these two captures were the best. I think I can improve the processing.
  17. I was out this morning doing some planetary imaging. The seeing was very good with stable atmosphere. Mars was not a blinking like a disco ball so some nice details are coming through. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x barlow. PIPP, Autostakert, Registax (I think I finally got the hand of it) and final touches in Gimp. The last image is my son's colour rendition since he wanted it to be redder 😀. resized x1.5 redder
  18. Nice animation. How many minutes rotation does it capture?
  19. I agree that it will have its own uses, which sort of answers my question. By the way, why the Nebustar over the Lumicon?
  20. I have an 8" Dob and my interest is observing nebulas. My skies are fairly dark, bortle 3, or as in previous discussions I can see the Milky Way bright and with structure. I have a Televue bandmate type 2 OIII filter and it has been great on several nebulas, although I seem to prefer unfiltered views. My question is, do I need a UHC filter and will it give me an advantage over the OIII? I have seen this excellent site on performance but I am not sure under what skies. https://www.prairieastronomyclub.org/filter-performance-comparisons-for-some-common-nebulae/ If yes, I am after a good quality filter and I have seen good reports on the following. Which one would you recommend or have I missed any others? My lowest magnification EP is the ES 24mm 68degrees if that matters. Lumicon UHC DGM NPB Astronomik UHC Explore Scientific UHC TeleVue BandMate Nebustar
  21. These look great and very natural.
  22. Great images. I really like your Saturn.
  23. I agree your images from the 10 and 11 July seem the best so far this summer. I can't comment on the telescope as I only have experience with my Dob.
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