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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks but please nooooo...I feel I have ruined it for myself and probably for the rest of you as well . I always see it now 🤣🦅 .
  2. Thanks. We had rain all night last night. The rest of the week doesn't look any better.
  3. You seem to have got the worst of this weather front at the East. Still good effort.
  4. Nice. In the first image you have a 'secondary' shadow above the main one. Is that from another moon? Looks nice.
  5. Thanks Geof. Still a long way to go to get finer details but at least the cheap filter is not the limiting factor.
  6. Conditions were a bit better for Mars last night and I managed an acceptable capture. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 150%.
  7. I can look into it and let you know, but not sure how to achieve focus.
  8. Exactly my thoughts. For the money they seem 'decent'. The IR pass was fine as well, similar to my other one. Let's see how Venus will fair with it. Thanks for the link, it's what got me to want to try. I wasn't sure if with my setup using these filters would deliver much thus going for cheaper ones.
  9. Interesting. Do you mean with a DSLR or just the planetary camera to image flowers?
  10. You beat me to it. Yes that's the ones. The only info I found when I came across them was here. To save you from reading, go at the bottom of the page where they report ghosting effect. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/705318-discussion-of-inexpensive-planetary-imaging-filters/ But for the price it gets the appetite going. For the CH4 it will be nice to try under good seeing but it seems to be pulling some details.
  11. Thanks. Yes fully manual with drift method using a 640x480 ROI; I don't pause in between recentring, I let PIPP sort the blanks or bad images before putting it Autostakert for further sorting and stacking. Platform is the next upgrade.
  12. Thanks. I like the different perspective and info it provides. I bought them from Astromania (via Amazon for £30 but usual price around £90); it came with IR pass and UV filter as well, so it may come handy for Venus. Quite surprised that it worked for the price.
  13. Great images and details despite the low elevation.
  14. I received a methane filter from Astromania yesterday and I managed a quick imaging session tonight. Nothing spectacular in terms of seeing but it was nice to capture some images using the new filter. Jupiter in methane, IR and rgb. With incoming clouds I only managed a quick capture for each filter. From the colour image and IR, it is apparent that seeing was quite off. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. For the methane, my capture was 60ms exposure, gain 430 and 15fps. Thanks to Geof and Lee ( @geoflewisand @Magnum) for the discussions we have been having in the background regarding CH4 imaging. I hope to try with good conditions and see if I can pull more details out.
  15. Thanks. I think we all need to move to the dessert or at least somewhere with not many clouds 😂.
  16. Nice eagle high resolution 🤣. I could not quite a sharp focus I think due to some influence from the Jetstream. It's looking good tonight but a lot of dew.
  17. Thanks you. Actually, the asi120 can give some really nice images. I used to have it for a while and I managed some decent shots on ISS. See the links below about settings that might be helpful. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/395255-my-best-iss-so-far/#comment-4247989 https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/394971-iss-over-uk-on-17-may-2022/#comment-4245393
  18. Thanks Neil. I was surprised not to see a post from you todays as it was fairly steady last night....☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️explains it 😪. Fingers crossed you get a break tonight.
  19. Thanks Geof, much appreciated. Yes the Eagle has landed . My wife thinks it looks like an armadillo 🤪. (weather was no go for Jupiter with the CH4 filter last night; maybe tonight)
  20. I had some decent seeing around 1am last night. Mars is getting larger and easier to focus on features. This is my first attempt on trying Winjupos with Mars; two captures 4min each derotated. I feel it has brought more features out. There is also a new brighter white area at around 9-7 o'clock that was evident even before sharpening on the two individual captures. I hope it is not oversharpened, happy for comments as always. On a funny side, I also noticed that if I rotate the image 90 degrees it looks like an eagle's or rooster's head 🤣. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 120%.
  21. Nice Mars. I used to do the layers approach but it smoothened it a bit. What I do now is to select below the rind, invert the selection and play with the levels/brightness and you don't lose the sharpness.
  22. Great set of images, especially your first Jupiter, it seems it had the better weather. Mars is also getting bigger and some good details there too.
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