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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I like how you always back your argument with a calculation. Very interesting. I used to go for 3 min based on this feature but I was told that the 3 min is way too long for as!3 to handle this dropping to 2min. I haven't done a side by side comparison to see the effect of 2 min vs 3 or 4. I know others are down to 30s to 1min with the new low noise cameras. But based on what you posted it should be doable. We just need some excellent seeing to put in practice.
  2. Nice image. Yes you can get some clouds in colour, very very subtle. In IR too, but not very often. The 462 is awful in UV, hardly any response even with the AR window removed. I know because I tried and the reason I bought the 462 mono.
  3. You might want to check the collimation. Seeing conditions will also affect the quality of the image. For Jupiter 120s max as you have fairly fast planet rotation that will blur things. If you derotate the video then go for Vlaiv's suggestion.
  4. Thanks Stuart. I only got out to capture the transit despite knowing the weather will be bad. We don't seem to get a break.
  5. I finally managed to observe and image a transit in this apparition. Awful seeing due to jetstream but Io's shadow was nice and sharp. I imaged in colour but also in IR that shows Io quite nicely when it is over Jupiter's disc. My usual 8" setup. Captured between 1130 and 1220. I quite like the symmetry of the capture on the last 4 images.
  6. Great capture. If you zoom in at the edge of the moon, you can see the rough edges from its mountains.
  7. Thanks Chris. I tried Uranus too but clouds ruined the capture. Interestingly, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn looked really stable at the eyepiece but during imaging they were very soft. Or maybe the incoming currents were the cause.
  8. Looks much much nicer. My histogram is usually between 50-70 but I am currently experimenting at 95% after some discussion with Geof. I have no ADC so I make sure that all my channels are in the 50-70 range. You can't have all at the same value without the ADC but none should be over 100%.
  9. Thanks. I hope you managed to get everything in without any damage from the rain. UK weather for us.
  10. Yes and the result is this white washed out area: it could either be due to one of the channels being over 100% (I see you do not have an ADC, so your individual RGB channels might cause this) or your contrast you chose in the processing is too much and it is making it washed out.
  11. Thanks Martyn. Jetstream is looking awful for tonight too. Later in the week it should be more stable. But I am sure we will all be out trying 😉
  12. Thanks Stuart. I was getting desperate to get out after a long week. In the end, visual was the best last night, rather stable compared to the imaging.
  13. Thanks Stu. Similar to what it looked at the eyepiece.
  14. I had a go at Jupiter last night. Despite the nice transparency after the rain, Jetstream was causing a havoc and it is obvious in the final image, no fine details. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate, UV/IR cut.
  15. Good first imaging with the new telescope. Yes second image has some more details.Your histogram may have been clipping one or more of the channels as you have a very washed out patch in the EZ. The last image has a nice colour balance but the other two are quite blue. Registax should be able to take care of this.
  16. I see that white feature on your image as your comment on my post. Not sure what it might be. Interesting to see how it develops. See there is no 'poor' side of Jupiter 😉.
  17. Very nice image Maurizio. You have nice details and I think you have managed the noise very well.
  18. Very good start. I agree what was said above; regarding the colour balance, registax usually does a very good job. I assume you also do rgb align in as!3 or registax?. You may want to give Astrosurface a try as well after as!3. And keep shooting several videos as seeing will be variable through the night and refocus between captures. If you have several godo videos you could try derotate the stacked tiffs in Winjupos. For jupiter i limit my captures to 90-120s.
  19. Nice images and a spectacular solar prominence.
  20. Excellent set of images Rob. The last IR looks great, did you manage to shoot in colour too? You probably want to ask the moderators to move it from the solar to the planetary section to get more comments.
  21. Thanks Geof and for also probing me to get out last night. Interesting, seeing on my side was extremely stable ruined just by the clouds. In this capture I could see some details coming through in the live capture. Seeing became very unstable around 1 or so with incoming cooler front and wind.
  22. Absolutely. I was really surprised how still it was compared to my Venus the day earlier. I could see histogram jumping all over the place from the passing clouds and this was the only capture that had consistent seeing.
  23. Thanks Simon. I was not planning to get out but I blame Geof @geoflewis after our chat who said we may have a clear window....that never materialised😂.
  24. Thanks Michael. I was rather surprised how stable it looked through the haze. Even my Saturn that I will process later looked very good for the low elevation (in IR).
  25. Thanks Michael. Yes the IR is revealing some nice additional details. I like pushing the Dob to its limits. Having the new dual speed focuser really helped last night too.
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