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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Nice first image with your new setup. Like Stuart said, the debayer might not be right?
  2. Thanks Stuart. Not great night but the IR and the to-be processed Uranus might salvage the night.
  3. Thanks. Yes awful despite the clear skies. I think the cold front was still coming and mixing with the warmer air and made the mess. Looking forward to your images if you decide to have a go with them
  4. Not great seeing last night and it showed in the captures. IR derotation really helped to pull a lot of details (3x120s). The CH4 despite the derotation (5x120s) is quite weak due to its tight 10nm bandwidth; 100ms exposure at 10fps. The colour was awful (3x120s). I also made a false colour of the IR and CH4 to give it a JWST-like appearance. My usual 8" setup.
  5. This week marked ISS 25th birthday. The first visible pass over UK was tonight so I could not miss the opportunity to capture it. During the pass it had a yellow colour to it, and after processing the images, it seems that it caught the setting sun and it has this beautiful golden hue to it. I suppose a fitting birthday colour. (In case you ask, I did not try for the lost bag). 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. Of the 20000 frames only 100 were ok that resulted in these stacks.
  6. Thanks Reggie. I think , the IR would have given a more detailed image if it was derotated.
  7. Indeed. Let's hope the seeing is good with the jetstream above us.
  8. It's a shame it's gone. I thought you might use it alongside the mak. You are getting some really good images with it and I am sure once the weather improves it will get even better. I like my 8" as I can get it in/out in no time and be ready to go after it cools down.
  9. Thanks. A nice little break but all cloudy again for the rest of the week.
  10. Thanks Ian. It was a very brief session of touch and go. This is why I like my dob, as it is easy to get out if the skies are looking promising. I cannot comment on the Antlia but I think they are all more or less the same (if we are taking at specific wavelength); transmittance might be slightly different. As I said on your IR post I have an svbony, astromania and zwo, just to cover the different cutoffs. I am very satisfied with my cheap ones and I am not sure I feel the need to go for premium for my IR. Others might have a different opinion.
  11. Thanks Stuart. It was nice capturing some videos last night. The rest of my week is looking ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
  12. Thanks Geof and I am sorry my heads up did not work for you last night 🙃. The 1am clear skies did not materialise either as the thick clouds never parted.
  13. Thanks Mark. I have been battling awful weather the last few months so it was a welcoimg surprise last night. The IR is through clouds and in addition it has less data compared to the colour one. No I did not use the IR for luminance. I prefer to have the features for each separate although mixing with other filters can reveal some additional features.
  14. It has been a while since I managed any decent Jupiter images; this is through small gaps in the clouds around 2345UTC. 5x120s derotated images. The IR iamge was a single 120s capture as clouds rolled it. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc or 462mm, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter or IR pass (650).
  15. Excellent! Great job Reggie. Next one, Neptune.
  16. Shape and colour are nice, just denoise and it will be an excellent image 🤩.
  17. As the others said an 850 will be very dark, you are almost close to the methane band. A 610/642/650 will be the best. I tend to experiment with 650, 685 and 742 although the most signal comes from the 650. I have read before that a red filter will do a decent job too as it leaks most the IR signal. You don't need to break the bank, I use the Astromania, 640, sv bony, 685, zwo, 742. Your camera has a QE of 90% at 610. 650 will be great too. So nice camera for IR imaging.
  18. Nice capture Reggie. My only advice is to denoise more or go easier on the wavelets as you seem to have some noise specs; with your aperture and colour capture, you will not have any details.
  19. Very nice sequence of images to capture the eclipse.
  20. Although the phase has increased, its apparent size is getting much smaller now. Quite a contrast compared to a few months ago. I think I will have to wait until spring to capture any clouds again.
  21. Thanks Stuart. I could see some contrast during the capture so not a bad session. Pouring with rain as I am typing now.
  22. Nice start after a while. Looking forward to more captures if the weather plays ball.
  23. A quick capture under nice sunny skies this morning. It has been a while since I have managed some decent Venus clouds. Captured at 1030UTC. False colour with UV and IR pass filters. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, IR and UV pass filters, 2.5x TV powermate. Awful seeing with a lot of boiling but some cloud features are there. Nice brightening at the south. My son insisted on this brighter image which is different from usual style but I quite like it.
  24. Io, Europa and Callisto alignment from 14th Nov (note: awful seeing and full on Jetstream). 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut, 2.5xTV powermate. 60 sec video to capture the perfect alignment. PIPI, as!3 and Astrosurface.
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