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Everything posted by Earl

  1. Robofocus installed, balance and PA next

  2. Managed to make my own lunch, small steps

    1. Coco


      Psychologically a massive step, a real positive note mate, congrats..

  3. there is a bearing on the tightener, so it has movement.
  4. No it does not mess with your aligning as that is in the main head of the mount and works as normal, all this does is pu a length of pipe getween the tripod top and mount base.
  5. i have used one and it was fine, im 6 4 and stooping to look through an eyepiece was causing back ache, so it was well worth it, current stock, if you can get one is sw off white like the mounts.
  6. Had to order more counter weghts to balance the scope...... One day ill be all set.

    1. tingting44


      what scope and mount have you got

    2. Earl


      CGE and FSQ 106

      its the extra weight glass end to balance it out

    3. tingting44


      thats one nice combo! :)

  7. We have an MEP in the family :)

    1. Coco



  8. Back from holiday, can i have a break to recover !!!

    1. tingting44


      yes you can, easter bank holiday tomorrow :)

    2. Earl


      heh im in work tomorrow morning for my sins

    3. tingting44
  9. Time to install all the astro related stuffs on the laptop...... come back next year

  10. Getting there, dont know where is, buts its beter than where i was and am....

    1. ronin


      Good to know that someone knows they are advancing in the right direction, even if it is sort of spiralish.

  11. 50mm F1.2 yummy :)

    1. hobsey


      Nice. Very fast lens.

    2. Coco


      Its on my 50th Bday prezzy list, had one before heres a link to some images..


  12. Home visit toda\y :)

    1. Coco


      Wey hey!!!! Good lad..

  13. tiiiiiiiiiiiick toooooock tiiiiiiiiiiiick toooooock

    1. Coco


      You home yet mate?

    2. Earl


      not yet this week i hope :)

  14. Feeling much this aftenon, vision getting way better too.

    1. Coco


      Excellent!! keep your chin up mate..

    2. Naemeth


      That's great news Earl :)

  15. OOPS I must stop buying telescopes before I have used the last one !!!! FSQ106 :D

  16. Mother in Law here for X-Mas... CAnt miss here Soaps... ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. The Rain has clensed the sky, the clouds have parted and the moon is out to play

  18. Finally got some binos coming been meaning to order them for months.

  19. eBay is evil it makes me spend money.... LOL

    1. Daniel-K
    2. Earl


      Tak Sky 90, couldn't resist it.

  20. Of Course its Clear... The Moon is out and I have to be up early.....

  21. Klytus, I'm bored. What play thing can you offer me today?

    1. ronin


      Take your eyepieces apart and clean each lens, then reassemble. That should occupy you for a few years.

    2. Earl


      I only have one eyepiece :D

  22. Camera is great, Scope is OK, Mount is a bag of nails......

    1. Earl


      humm the longer it tracks the better its doing, must be bedding in

  23. Balanced and Homed, Just need to focus and align.

  24. The final part of the puzzel has arrived. 6mm t extension.

  25. Teamviwer FTW, Dark Library still been made

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