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Earl last won the day on November 5 2023

Earl had the most liked content!


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    Astronomy, Music, Photography, selective PC gaming, PC's
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  1. Full frame incoming YAY

    1. Tony Acorn

      Tony Acorn

      My APC-s to full frame journey was from a Nikon D7200 to a Nikon Z6ii. Should I have not sold my D7200? - Yes, it would be good to still have it. Does the Z6ii do everything the APC-s did? Yes, and a lot more besides. Can I still use my older lenses with the new (March 2022) camera? Yes- with the  F-mount to Z-mount adapter. Has my photography improved? I'd like to think so and certainly would never admit to it getting worse 😂.

      I don't think you'll have any regrets - even on the basis of the improved low-light (and better noise suppression) capabilities that a full-frame (modern) camera offers.

      Enjoy - hopefully with some clear skies (total cloud covered last night's partial eclipse here!).


    2. Earl


      It's an old EOS 5D MKII primarily to put my 50mm on.

    3. Tony Acorn

      Tony Acorn

      Enjoy it - a 50mm prime gives you plenty of options.

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