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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. I have re processed the image of the moon from 26-11-20 from another set of images I took that evening, as something must of happened in the stacking process with the original image posted here. This one is much better and doesn't affect your eyes.
  2. It may be a nikon version of the lens and not a canon version as they do both, you can get a nikon lens to canon body adapter for them just check which nikon lens you have though, it maybe a nikon f mount type, all is not lost. Other members may give you better advice so don't buy anything yet.
  3. Just been through my 400 odd images from my dslr and got one Geminid going past. I've still got to check the footage from the asi120mc-s yet so may better in that one. It was so cloudy lsdt might abd only a few brief spells of clear skies here in North Cornwall. Will try again tonight as may be a bit clearer. Just got to work out how to create a animated gif with my version of photoshop
  4. Thank you. I have to image through a window pane as only a small opening at the top. That's a great first step when your dslr arrives you can achieve a lot of great images with a dslr, lens and tripod though using short exposure times. Most of the work is in the processing of the image using free software. When I want to image outdoors I grab my dslr on a omegon lx2 tracking mount as its mechanical. When time and skies allow I like to do this as I can image more of the milky way then. With my explorer 150p eq3-2 I take off the short black extension tube shown in the photo and attach my dslr via a t-ring and can acheive focus this way. Not sure on any other models though. Planets are much harder to image through my window, I've imaged Mars, Saturn and Jupiter and it shows their not as great as imaging from outside. But I was happy with them, the first time you see Saturn's rings or Jupiter's moons IMG_4195.CR2 you'll be hooked. I've imaged conjunctions of planets and the moon with my dslr, lens and tripod through my window. I'll attach. I will say I've spent some money on this hobby but nowhere near as can be spent, I've enjoyed the images from my set up and like I've ssud pushed the boundaries of the hobby for my limited restrictions. If I could take me scope down 2 flights of stairs more I would, if its clear I'm going to try for the great conjunction on 21st. By no means are these the best images ever but the point I make is I've enjoyed capturing them and the thrill of when you do makes it worth while and when you show your friends and family what's in the sky at night it's mesmerising. All I've ever seen before I started astronomy is the moon and a few constellations, since then learnt and really enjoyed the journey I'm on.
  5. The image of M42 and the running man nebula was using my skywatcher explorer 150p eq3-2 through a window pane as I can only open the smaller top window. I'm always trying for the horsehead and witch head nebula, pushing the boundaries of how not to image the correct way, I've only had a very tiny image of the horsehead nebula but it was there. 😊📷🌌🔭
  6. Yes you are most likely right on the over tweaking in registax, I will go back and look again. Constructive criticism is always taken on board well with me as I'm a newbie it all helps to learn more and correctly, clear skies.
  7. I started seriously into astronomy since the lockdown started in April this year and as I live in a first floor flat getting my eq3-2 mount, skywatcher explorer 150p and skymax 127 up and down the stairs is a logistical nightmare so I regularly do visual and imaging from my bedroom and through a window,polar alignment is well dodgy and guesswork so tracking is always off but I can get close. Yes it's not the correct or best way but it sometimes all we have. If I get permission I'm going to build a Todmorden pier in my communal area so I only have the scope and mount to take down. I'm attaching some images I've taken with my canon 450d in prime focus on my skywatcher explorer 150p in my bedroom and through a window as it faces east to south and I'm well happy with these. I know I'm never going to get the most perfect of images and the top quality images others can get with guiding, polar alignment and spending more money on equipment, but it's pleasing to see just what can be achieved when you perserve with it. If someone said to me that I could get an image of M42 like this when I started in April, I'd of said no chance and laughed at them, don't give up when it gets tough with bedroom astronomy and astrophotography, it's possible in some shape or form.
  8. I have to agree with you on that and criticism taken on board. I used the same processing techniques and equipment both times and not sure why the second image is quite out of focus when enlarged, they were both a set of 200 images taken and processed in pipp first, then as3 the registax for sharpening, then a little tweak in ps. I was struggling with the second image a lot. Just wanted to upload both for posterity.
  9. Whilst the clouds parted on the 6-12-20 I quickly set up the scope and dslr in prime focus and took around 50 lights, 10 of darks, flats and lights, I would of liked to taken more but clouds were drawing back in. Stacked in dss and tweaked in starnett+ and ps. The 8 second one is best as the core still quite visable but the 10 second one the core is blown out. Even managed to get the running man nebula partly in shot and never managed that before. As they are bedroom shots through a window polar alignment is off, so this is why only short exposure times but not bad considering. The last image I was trying for the North American nebula near Deneb with my dslr and omegon lx2 tracker outside in my communal area on the 18th November only just round to processing it, it's a poor image though.
  10. Here a couple of images of the moon I managed to get with my canon 450d and prime focus with my skywatcher 150p best 200 images processed in pipp, as3 and registax, tweaked in ps. Never got any images of the moon like this in its waning phases before.
  11. I shall also try out the bedroom window with the dslr setup, if the sky clears, maybe briefly on Sunday night, so will get the intervalometer going with my dslr and tripod and 18-55mm kit lens around 15 second exposures?
  12. Thanks Pete That's great information, my eq3-2 mount is 60mm also, so I shall be purchasing this one as most I've seen are 62mm. Hoped I can use my works pillar drill to drill my holes. Thanks afain clear skies
  13. Hi hals I'm going to try and build a Todmorden pier in the communal area behind my flat of I get permission from my housing provider. I'd like to know which brake disc did you use for your mount and would this brake disc fit my eq3-2 mount and was it easy drilling the holes in the disc, sorry for all the questions but not seen any reference anywhere for mine. Clear skies
  14. Thank you, I'm not a fan of clouds but on this occasion were most welcome for the purpose of atmosphere, clear skies
  15. Thanks Martin, the clouds were a welcome addition this time only though, clear skies 📷🌌🔭
  16. Thank you Martin, the enthusiasm is still there I'm even if it's cloudy here, I've still morecdata to go through from that week when it was nice and clear for a few nights, so plenty to keep busy with for a bit, but would like clear skies soon
  17. Hi If I get permission from my housing provider I'm going to build a Todmorden pier following @MattGoopier construction. I will be using 2 x dense concrete blocks with two cavities in them that jewson deal in, the dimensions are 440 X 215 X 215MM, I'd like to use the mounting system using a brake disc, I've looked everywhere here but can't find anything here. Which brake disc can I use, I've measured my eq3-2 mount and is 56mm and the size on the tripod side is 60mm. Also is it better to use the one brake disc mount or use 2 brake discs with one turned upside down. Sorry if this has been asked before but I could not find anything. I've seen brake discs with a 62mm centre opening are these any good for my mount.
  18. Thank you, it's definitely my best so far and only 6 second subs untracked, can't wait to get longer subs (I'd love to get 30 seconds to 1 minute subs) when tracking with my scope outside. As these were taken through my bedroom window where my scope is set up at the moment and can't polar align properly as I can't see polaris. I controlled the core but creating a starless copy of the image in starnet ++ and then using the pen tool in ps to draw around the core and then just altered that with curves adjustment. Still new to all this but loving it when the images look better than my last. Clear skies 🌌📷🔭
  19. Thank you, I love trying to get these or any kind of conjuctions with my dslr and tripod. I love when you can get the odd cloud in moon conjunction shots to add drama rather than just a flat image. Just hope when it's the great Jupiter and Saturn conjunction later this month no clouds appear or when the crescent moon, Jupiter and Saturn conjunction this month. Clear skies 📷🌌🔭
  20. Hi If I get permission from my housing provider I'm going to build a Todmorden pier following @MattGoopier construction. I will be using 2 x dense concrete blocks with two cavities in them that jewson deal in, the dimensions are 440 X 215 X 215MM, I'd like to use the mounting system using a brake disc, I've looked everywhere here but can't find anything here. Which brake disc can I use, I've measured my eq3-2 mount and is 56mm and the size on the tripod side is 60mm. Also is it better to use the one brake disc mount or use 2 brake discs with one turned upside down. Sorry if this is confusing but never built a pier before.
  21. Here is my final image of the conjunction between the moon & Mars last week using my canon 450d and 18-55mm lens The image is composed of 2 images, one taken on a longer exposure to show Mars but the moon was blown out so took a short exposure to get the moon in focus then merge together in ps with some tweaking.
  22. Here is an image of the Orion nebula M42 and M43 from North Cornwall last week it comprises of around 70 lights, 10 darks, 10 flats and 10 bias frames I think. Canon 450d iso 1600 6 seconds untracked prime focus through skywatcher explorer 150p eq3-2, the moon was providing a bit of glow. Stacked in dss and tweaked in ps and starnet++
  23. Thank you again Pixies, the whole process wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I will give it a star test when I get to see some stars when the full moon has passed , the air quality out there at the moment is quite hazy but a quick view of the moon with my 20 mm ep gave good views, I will defiantly use my red light headtorch and Cheshire combined to check the collimation.
  24. Here is hopefully the crosshairs of the Cheshire lined up with the doughnut of the primary so the secondary alignment should be done, now just to adjust the primary mirror, only a slight adjustment needed here. Below this image is the completed collimation process with the primary now lined up with the hole in the Cheshire, Thank you to Pixies and NGC for your help and perseverance with me in this process. It wasn't that bad to do just needed to be brave, Clear skies
  25. Thank you Pixies, I will now remove the paper and get the doughnut of the primary lined up with the crosshairs of the Cheshire. I have ordered some of those M4 thumb bolts as you suggested as I did remove one of my adjustment screws and is indeed a M4 grub screw, the new ones will do the job admirably and a fraction of the cost of Bob's. will post an update of the further progress of the collimation to get your advice.
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