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Simon Pepper

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Everything posted by Simon Pepper

  1. Hi all I have asked a similar question over on another forum and still not getting it. Let’s say you shoot over two months so two different sessions dust moats have obviously moved. How can you add data to the 1st stack? You surely need to run new stack new calibration etc so you are now left with two master lights how are those combined? I use PI. Thanks
  2. As above need more info also that’s Starlink not meteors 👍
  3. Ok perfect thank you again 2x it is!
  4. Thanks Vlaiv really informative and helpful as usual one last question would stick with the 2x Barlow or go with a 3x to get in closer? Thanks
  5. Have you got the link to the screw on one please? Thank you
  6. Hi all, Was looking for some pointers really after pointing my scope at the moon the other day for the first time in two years and seeing how majestic it was I feel I have failed to look around our solar system (I mainly go after DSOs), so I feel the time has come or at least to prepare now so I am ready. I have neglected our neighbours for too long. What I don't have is a planetary camera and a 2500fl scope with some serious aperture, however I am hoping the latter is optional lol. What I do have is 952mm ES 127 and a couple of ZWO pro cameras which I hope will do or I can buy a planetary, but I am sure with a Barlow I maybe in as my fl is lacking (hoping)? Can anyone recommend a good Barlow if so should I be looking for 2x 3x what's the cons here I assume like with a reducer where the F stop is quickened with a Barlow its slowed? Is this a massive issue if shooting in video? I have noticed when shooting a video via my 1600mm I have the option of formats. 360p up to 1080p and everything in between. Each option the picture scale size changes more zoom at lower format I assume this is pixel scale related? Is there an ideal resolution to shoot planetary? Thanks
  7. Awesome your stars are on point! Something I just can’t get with my SY 135! Can you provide the gear you used to attach the camera I think the connection I have is letting it down. Great capture!
  8. My submission here is M42 it was shot over two nights 04/12/21 RGB 45x60s for each channel and then 09/01/22 I added 145x60s Ha. In processing I realised the Ha was overpowering the RGB and realised I should have done LRGB here. In the end I blended 50% Ha and 50% R and mapped that to R and I think it came out ok. It’s the first time properly trying this and I found it was the hardest image I have had to process as above it took at least four attempts before I was happy probably caused by my rookie mistake. A lot of submissions on this one and some really awesome images good luck to all and the judges! R 45x60s, B 45x60s, G 45x60s Ha 120x60s 1600mm pro, WO RedCat editing image as original was a screen shot another rookie mistake.
  9. Welcome back and great shot! The kids thing is difficult two small ones here as well but as soon as they in bed if it’s clear I am out! Only the Mrs is not too happy about that I tell her she married into me but also astrophotography… it’s a package deal!!!
  10. I have a HEQ5 pro and it doesn’t click when tracking at sidereal never has. It does make a light grinding noise when go to though but that is normal always has made that noise. I hope you fix it but wanted to note clicking is not right. Thanks
  11. I am glad I am not the only one noticing this. I have noted about 12 hours of clear skies in the whole of December. I am actually going to put together a calendar starting next year to show clear, partial and cloud to see how painful it is here in the UK for getting clear nights. Will be interesting to see and tally up the whole of 2022! Let’s hope January is an improvement!
  12. Hi Rob, No I have not actually I have a DSLR and another dedicated camera so good shout will give that a go. Stopping it down didn't work for me at least to F5.6 I think I went to... Ill try the other camera Thanks
  13. Mine has a shocking corner it’s so annoying I considered getting another one in the Black Friday sale as new on Amazon is £329!
  14. Simon Pepper

    Redcat/Sammy135 + ASI294MC Pro

    Here is a collection of images captured over the last couple of months. Was trying to find a personal space here on SGL for this thought that would be offered but was unable to find one. If you can do this and someone knows please let me know. Thanks
  15. Awesome image I particularly like the HOO version!
  16. Welcome to SGL and thanks for posting lots of friendly folks on here they have helped me on my journey in AP. I am a couple years in now but still learning every day there so much to see out there and learn whether its in the field, equipment or processing, but I love it and I am sure you will too. You have gone with a great starter kit as well cant go wrong with the SY135 I have one myself and love it. I also started with a star tracker and Canon 800D as well watch out for that rabbit hole I am sure you have heard of! Good luck in your AP journey
  17. I have had this issue so many times es on my HEQ5 Pro but a simple power off an on works ever time. One time it did this I noted the power cable to the mount was not clicked enough even though it showed a red light could have been coincidence though. After PA I also go home using the app then sync to mount then select target. If it lobby’s still the floor power everything off check all power cables and try again it should work. It’s a known bug glad to see they addressed it on the plus lol!
  18. #facepalm! Well that’s that then! Really need to remember to check the moon I should have known really 3 weeks of shocking weather and a clear night was always going to be a full moon!
  19. I finally have a clear night tonight and Orion is positioned perfectly just need some opinions please. HaRGB or LRGB I am not sure what I should be doing or if one is better than the other? Also is the RGB subs more important than the L or Ha? What kind of ratio should I be aiming for? Can you tell I am new to mono…. Thanks
  20. Hi, Oh I see I used DSS but I never saw the comet option. Let me run it again now using that option to see how it comes out. Thank you
  21. Hi all Tried to bag 67p last night and thought it was going well till the stack and stretch! Any ideas what's caused the nucleus to do this? This was 30x60s with a UV/IR Baadar filter. Since adding that to my OTA I have had nothing but issues! Thanks
  22. Simon Pepper


    My 2nd mono image.... Had to remove the stars on this one as didn't quite get my back focus correct.
  23. Simon Pepper


    My first mono image.
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