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Simon Pepper

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Everything posted by Simon Pepper

  1. This looks great and the way I have Gone for tonight’s imaging session. So it’s not a waste I’m hoping you have some j sight in the backfocus… in the redcat it’s 55mm but I can’t get that with the Samyang. Also looking at your setup here it’s no where near that. Is back focus important with a lens? Will I be ok with this setup? It’s a T2 adapter 25mm with l extreme inside plus 11mm spacer and 6.5mm I think to the sensor.
  2. My 135 turned up yesterday but I have realised I do t have any rings or dove tails can anyone recommend any and save me sifting through this thread please? I have both a zwo and a dslr so ideally work with both. Thanks
  3. Also to add this is bottle 4 but beyond that hill is the English Channel. So lucky enough to be able to get the MW in the south with only the sea beyond so no LP really helps. May get a few hours tonight so hopefully will go out again…
  4. Hi Camera is a stock canon 850d, iso 3200. Yes 10, 25 seconds stacked in sequetor then processed in PS. Foreground was 10s I think in hindsight should have upped that and dropped the iso. I then blended the sky with the foreground. I was on a tracker with bad PA so it was enough to see star trails at 30 seconds but enough to give foreground blue at 25 seconds.
  5. Really good I have a 135 turning up Tuesday cant wait 👍
  6. I have the Samyang 14mm can recommend there is a little CA when wide open but can stop it down or crop the edges for the price you can’t beat it. Here is one I took the other day think this was 25s stack of 10.
  7. Hi all Here is my image of M31 taken last night pretty much only clear night in a month! HEQ5 Pro, William Optics RedCat 51, ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, ASI 120MM, Asi Air Pro 327x30s shot at unity gain (120) -10 degrees. Stacked in WBP in PI and processed in PI. Final gradient removal and stretch in PS. Thanks M31.tif
  8. Hi all I have been using a OSC for 18 months now and decided it’s now time to go down the mono route, but I do have a few questions which I am sure the community here can help me with. let’s start with luminance I believe this is the “detail” filter am I right in saying that? If so what kind of ratios should be used for lum? Let’s say I have 2 hours on each RGB channel how much should be used for lum? if I want to shoot just HA i assume I just shoot HA nothing special is required here? If I want to had HA to an RGB image do I just use the HA as the lum layer? So I wouldnt use HALRGB I would just use HARGB? Basically is there any point in collecting lum and HA? processing: we need to take flats for each filter (I use Pixinsight) can PI somehow process all the channels together or do you need to process each channel separately using the weighted pre batch processing? I assume you need to complete all Red, red flats, red dark flats, darks then repeat the process for blue, green and lum? thanks
  9. What’s the best way to capture this? Time lapse, video, short exposers, tracked or untracked? Thanks
  10. Redcat asi294 mc pro. I am thinking of trying this uv ir filter trick but obviously don’t want to spend money on something that may not work. I think I will just have to bite the bullet and try it...
  11. There were two reason why I was considering it... Firstly using the l extreme filter I have awful halos around the brighter bigger stars and I have been googling ways to fix in post. One user over on CN says they use a UV IR cut to expose a few minute long subs so they have a luminance picture of essentially just the stars then using pixel math in PI and a few other tweaks merge them together. Secondly for broadband targets as mentioned to provide more contrast, but was unsure if that was worth it being in bortle 4. Thanks
  12. Hi David when you say normal uv ir can you provide any links to some recommendations? thanks
  13. Hi all, Hopefully a real quick one here. Am I going to see any improvements in my image quality if I shoot with a UV IR cut filter such as the Optolong L Pro from a bortle 4/5 or should I not bother? As light pollution is not too bad wondering what others think? This is on a OSC and for broadband targets. Thanks
  14. Hi there, I have the same scope, camera and filter and guess what same issue! Glad you mentioned the filter draw though as my l extreme is in the body of the Redcat. I was abut to push the button on a EFW and EAF to get the filter to sit as close to the sensor as possible. This will obviously be pointless now. As the guys have stated and what I have read its the OIII part of the filter that causes this and its a right nightmare! I believe there are a couple of options. Firstly get the l enhance I don't think that has the same issue as the band isn't as narrow, but I am not sure what a side by side comparison would be on the data. There is also a procedure here (may have to google it) https://astrodoc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/REMOVING-HALOES-FROM-BRIGHT-STARS.pdf I have not tried this yet and I am not sure if it works with a OSC but there must be a way in PI to separate the HA from the OIII think its in channel extraction so should be possible. If you are not busy now try it out let me know how you get on. One thing to note though Alnitak is a giant and its bound to have some haloing, however I know your pain this happens on most bright start in the FOV!
  15. Agreed Adam was clear and precise looking forward to watching it back and the parts I missed. Thanks Adam and SGL for putting it together!
  16. Clear here heading out for some Milky Way core and NGC7000 running in the garden
  17. Hi Lee Thanks no all feedback is good gives me areas to concentrate on. I wanted to try it all in PI instead instead of cheating I’m and taking it back into PS to fix. I recall a feature in PI that shows the colour balance think it was image statistics and then a way to correct it I will go back and have a look at that. Haha I am bad with that saturation slider this was a toned down version lol I will learn one day! The earlier image was right at the start after background neutralisation noted the history tab though don’t remember seeing that and that will be handy! thanks
  18. Looking at it as jpg and at this scale its a little blue and possibly some horizontal banding?
  19. Hi Guys, So this is what I came up with IC405 from stacking to edit all in PI. I followed some yt videos and took your advice above! I think its come out ok I can see a hot pixel snuck through and I did have issues with gradients but not sure if thats the dust of the nebula showing up. Its definitely better than the edit I did in PS so thats a win for PI! Ideally after some feedback please how you think it has come out where it can be improved? Not sure if you can view in .xisf, so added jpg and tif just in case. Thanks IC405PI.xisf IC405PI.tif
  20. How did the OP get on? I have the 294MC I love it but I am itching for what can be achieved by going mono. Intrigued to know if you believe you made the correct decision? Pros and cons. thanks
  21. Loving it already the splitting out RGB channels and playing with PixelMath and LRGB tool is awesome although its easy to get carried away with those exotic pallet combinations! Will definitely be ordering the license though. Not sure the Mrs is overly pleased though she doesnt see me anymore
  22. Ah yes ctrl z and ctrl y... Not ideal a button would be quicker but that does work thank you
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