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Everything posted by ThomasF1234

  1. Welcome, should be a good night up north tonight!
  2. One more question about this sorry. If you had a mount like an NEQ6 where the cables aren’t on the outside like the EQ3 would there still be a point at which it stops at?
  3. Thank you, I recently bought the Sky watcher auto focuser so that that will make focusing a whole lot easier!
  4. Thank you I’ll have a look out for some of those
  5. Hi I live in the North East of England and I was wondering if anyone could give me and suggestions on some easy DSO’s to view tonight thank you
  6. Is this a normal thing for EQ mounts with the handset and is there anyway to get around this?
  7. Could it have anything to do with having the azimuth altitude knobs too tight?
  8. Hi whenever I slew south it always seems to stop and can’t rotate 360’ is this normal or is there something wrong?
  9. Thanks I’ll have a bit play around with exposure ect tonight!
  10. Hi everyone, last night i went out to take some pictures for my first time of the moon using a Canon 450d and the skywatcher evostar 102 with a x2 barlow lens and using an EQ3 mount with the synscan goto handset. I took 1/30 exposure with an ISO of 200 and the attached photos are the stacked results (using autostakkert). Also i didn't add any darks or flats as i didn't know if that was necessary and also i don't know how to do that on this software. So really I am just wanting some opinions and some tips or tricks to getting better imaging, any advice is appreciated. Thank you 2020-05_g4_ap830.tif 2020-05_g4_ap830_conv.tif
  11. Hi i was out tonight taking some shots at the moon with an exposure of 1/30 and ISO of 200. I took about 30 or so like the one attached and some darks (same ISO and exposure) however, when i come to stack them it says it will only stack one light image and to turn the star detection rate up. So i turned up the brightness and still no luck. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. L_2984_ISO200_0.00001s__21C.CR2
  12. Have at getting a power supply like this as it will come in quite handy especially when you start to get accessories like dew heaters ect https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/skywatcher-powertank-17ah.html
  13. Hi I started with this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/evostar/skywatcher-evostar-102-eq3-2.html It includes a great mount and a great telescope. It would work fine for planets, moon etc and when using it I’ve seen some DSO’s (double cluster, M3 ect) however for objects like M44 I discovered that the field of view isn’t big enough so I invested in the William Optics RedCat 51. So if your looking mainly at planets and some DSO’s that would be a good option but if your wanting to look more at DSO’s then you would need something with a bigger FOV. However the EQ3 mount is excellent especially if you get the synscan GOTO upgrade which is required for tracking objects when taking photos of them to prevent blur ect.
  14. Yeah I had that problem last night and have come to realise that there are three tracking modes on the synscan: lunar, sidereal and solar. Lunar being the moon, solar being the sun and sidereal being stars and DSO’s so you’ll just have to change that depending on what your looking at.
  15. Hi on your mount is the spirit level bubble in the middle? If not try and get it so it’s pretty much in the middle and see if that makes a difference
  16. The RedCat would be a good option or something like the Zenithstar 73 however you would need a flattener for that I think
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