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Everything posted by Stardaze

  1. My little 130 starter happened to be sat closest to the moon tonight and very last minute I decided to take a snap before she gets collected Friday..
  2. Manufacturing error? Be my luck that. I didn’t see anything to state anything longer than a years warranty?
  3. I never did ask... was that a warranty shunned by Bresser or other?
  4. Thanks Stu, looks just the job. Have meant to look to see whether there's a "what apps do people use" thread, probably is, just speaking as I type. I've been doing things the old fashioned way of printing off start charts and heading out with an idea of what I want to see. Was using Star Chart but waving the phone around in the sky was a PITA. Did take the laptop out the one evening with Stellarium but much simpler printing a couple of charts off to help keep the focus.
  5. Keep my little thread going... must say that the OVL Nirvana 16mm I'm really impressed with, love the wider FVL. Good recommendation @johninderby I've managed to pick up an ES 24mm (82deg) secondhand off the classifieds here and so those two alone should cover 99% of the DSO observations I want to focus on for a good while. I'll probably add the nirvana 7mm to the mix too and an ES 11mm lastly which should cover it.
  6. Quick question: anyone know of a resource whereby I can create a list of notable objects by magnitude (brightness)? Logic being that I could populate a list of things to view under varying conditions, especially when the moon is near full. Would help this time of the year more so when viewing times are limited (I'm not much of a night owl!)
  7. The moon wasn't helping much last night but I did have an hour viewing M44, M82 & M82 with my new dob, so enjoyable nonetheless.
  8. I've only been on here for a couple of weeks and haven't ventured much outside the beginners threads as they have most of the answers I need. Many knowledgable folk that do seem to want to help in the right manner, which is a rare asset on many sites these days. My only suggestion which I find a little slicker on the phone would be an app. I use a photography forum regularly and the app works much better for a phone. The site works very well when sat at a PC and browser. A great boon here is the ability to upload pictures directly, they don't seem to compress much either. Hopefully I can contribute something at some point.
  9. My neighbours security light can be a nuisance!
  10. Is it worth putting my starter gear up here? Presume that beginners kit might not be suited here??
  11. Thanks for that. I've just been placing it carefully on the carpeted dining room floor, so nothing underneath. You could be right about the tightening screws. The first time tightening those up ,knocked the collimation out a touch, so was cautious to tighten them gradually by moving around them one-by-one until fairly tight. Equally, the Cheshire can move a touch with the tightening screw, I've noted that. Good option with the secondary shoe, but I do think a longer handle might work best??
  12. I also need to work out moving it around and where to put it afterwards. It was only 7c last night, so took it back indoors and the cap did condensate. Might have to pop it in the garage overnight to slowly warm back up. I don't think castors on the base would help anything much either. Been thinking too That taking her for a drive somewhere will be interesting, think a padded bag will be a must for that!
  13. So tell me, drilling.... rag behind to catch the debris? Think I'll treat myself to a new drillbit for that! Another silly question, which might be obvious, but.... Id like to think that the base of the tube is strengthened, but having had to collimate again last night (both times but initial one was exactly that) thought that maybe when I move the base into place, I should lie the tube on the floor, and not gently on its bottom end? Maybe it is a no-no?
  14. Not great of course with the moon last night, and eventually the cloud rolled in, but gave me a couple of hours to get used to swinging the new toy around the sky. The telrad works a treat, used to that given my little Celestron finder I had on my first scope. Need to add a grab handle I think. @johninderby you’ll have to let me know where you bought yours from. Used the little stool too and that’s perfect, though the castors aren’t great on slabs so I’ll look into a drummers throne.
  15. Ah ha! I was looking for something like that the other night and couldn't find anything. Knew that there had to be something available.
  16. That’s an interesting base, is that a ‘special?’
  17. I’ve got two big oak trees spoiling my ‘east’
  18. Over how long a period is that John? Surely subtle differences between some of those? See you’ve had an Orion bade before then, but on wheels 😱
  19. You’ve seen mine now ha. I’ll have to do some creative shot of it at night. Need a decent clear night and will want to venture out at some point too. I have zero view of the east from my garden.
  20. Just you and I then John. Probably a general dob owners club. Just taken a few pics of my starter scop to sell. Feel like I’ve got my learners badge and moved onto level 2 space cadet (never a more apt time to use that phrase!)
  21. I've got to do a full winter yet.... then we'll see how keen I still am.. Besides, the photography and cycling keep my pennies tied up. But I've always fancied getting my head around this..
  22. So you happened to have a spare finder kicking around too. What am I getting myself into? I need to earn gear from here. Not falling into the have gear with no... 😉
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