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Everything posted by daslolo

  1. Thanks for trying this out. (1) Binos are tricky and the scout looks like it would have a limited back focus. I spoke with the people at Daystar about binos and they told me the Denk and the Teleview work with the scout. My guess is the Denk works because of the power thingy which is a barlow so give it a try with the smallest magnification barlow you have. When I had a PST I needed a 1.85 barlow in the nose of the Astromania binos (the high end). (2) the good thing is UK sun is hardly a danger (3) is very hard to get right. The thing that made me abandon mod is just that, and when my eyes gymnastic would somehow get both eyes working then it'd be like peeping through a keyhole (not that I would know what it is like)
  2. Hello, I am a big fan of binoviewers but I don't understand why the view in them is like a keyhole. And depending on the barlow it can get so bad that the brain can't merge, one image shows up and the other doesn't Can someone explain and ... how do I get the most out of them? Also if you have experience with Quark, that would help make a choice.
  3. alright, that's all I wanted to know Anyone using binos on the scout? The quark? My PST one eyed is awful, two eyes it's hypnotic so at least I know that side of the optical train.
  4. I've seen this cellular structure before, it's an image processing artifact, what settings were you using?
  5. That's impressive image processing! How does it look in the eyepiece?
  6. My experience too with the 5mm bf of the stock PST and 1.85x barlow in binos, large field of view. i don't understand why you wouldn't gain afov with a larger bf (all them acronyms)
  7. Is it this filter ? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0028LSMR2/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_TX7uEbC9EFJFF has anyone tried that moon filter? It has a long leg past 1000nm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005POM8GU/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_WC5uEb6ZR6CFJ
  8. Oh I know what you mean, we have similar weather here in Washington state. I am disassembling the PST to see how it works.
  9. how do you like the Scout after a month?
  10. The lx65 is a great concept and the optic is fab but some units are very buggy so you end up with goto that goes under the horizon or above the maximum elevation, denting the case and stressing the gears, also some have mechanical problems (I got all the above, someone else none) so buy it from a vendor that does return.
  11. The ES82 are amazing No beans, true wide field of view that's not sensitive to eye position, very bright, how do they do it that others don't?!
  12. 11.5# for the 9" OTA, 3# for the eyepiece, 0.5# for the diagonal and 2" tube = 15# with a capacity of 14# on the main, this mount is going to love me 😁 I won't spend $500 on an eyepiece so instead I spent $300 on the 82 degree 18mm version, let's see if I like it
  13. look what Stu did with his LS35! 🤯 and he didn't need to tear apart his scope https://solarchatforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11271&p=112624&hilit=Lunt35+mod#p111990
  14. We are promised clear sky on tuesday, I'll see if my pupils dilate enough. 92 degrees with no beans! that's amazing, and I see priced accordingly 🙈 Is nice, I'll try that with my binos. My eyes won't line up on this pair of celestron you have, same deal with the linears but the eyes work fine with astromania binos with included 33mm though ... I need to collimate my eyeballs, if only I could fine my M1 screwdriver
  15. Gotcha and small exit pupil = less light output, right? So if I understand, for someone who wants to observe faint objects, the longer eyecup and wide exit pupil like this beany Meade eyepiece is the best option. I googled around for 20mm eyecups but didn't find anything. Do you have a source? These have the perfect length: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MJ9GS91/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  16. Animated diagrams! So nice! It looks like a result of the eyepiece design, is there a thing I can do besides a longer eyecup to get feedback? I am getting severe kidney beaning with very wide AFOV eyepice (Meade 607018, 100 Degree, MWA 21MM, 2-Inch).
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