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Everything posted by yopero

  1. Player One Uranus-C PRO. My first astro-camera! looking forward to: - Peaceful nights for me and neighbours without the clicky noise of my old nikon d3200. - Exposures longer than 30` 😃 - No more dark frames.
  2. @Leo ShatzI think your github link is missing the user and repo bits
  3. Interesting project! Just wondering how you are characterising the gyroscope behaviour for these two: something is interfering with the OTA (animal, wind, snag..). a meridian flip went haywire
  4. Thanks for the heads up! It looks like it is clearing here 🫰
  5. Thanks for the info @PeterC65! I was not aware of Pro Astronomy. I am going to check their website. Seriously concidering the "uranus c pro"
  6. Hi. Does anyone have info about the current state(October-2023) of UK suppliers for the Player One cameras? The only one seems to be darkclearskies dot com dot uk. Prices are about £100 more if comparing with the prices of player-one-astronomy dot com For people who has bought directly from player-one-astronomy dot com, how was the experience? taxes? Thanks
  7. Hi @Astrofriend Thanks for the guide! It has been really helpful. Now I am waiting for the actual motor as I have been testing with a tiny stepper.
  8. Hi. Does anyone have info about the current state(October-2023) of UK suppliers for the Player One cameras? The only one seems to be darkclearskies dot com dot uk. Prices are about £100 more if comparing with the prices of player-one-astronomy dot com For people who has bought directly from player-one-astronomy dot com, how was the experience? taxes? Thanks
  9. Hi 👋 I have been waiting for months for my telescope's fist light and whilst I wait for my skies to clear.... Just wondering if y'all can advise on say the 10 easiest targets for the 130PS? Thanks
  10. That's a very good point @Elp expending money on the remote acquisition device instead of expending on a new camera!
  11. Thanks @Whistlin Bob I will have a look at the Altair 183c. I have been looking at the astro modified Canons as Indi supports most of the Canons but I am not sure if for the same price I could get a ok-ish dedicated astro camera.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion @Elp I do own and intervalometer. I started with it first butt then moved into a having a raspberry pi to have a semi-remote setup(it is cold out there ). I have tried pairing the intervalometer with ekos but then I Iose all the nice things about ekos like managing targets, naming and timestamping the pictures taken.
  13. Hi everyone A couple of months back I have bought a SW 130PDS reflector and I have been using it with an old D3200 Nikon camera . I have been trying to use the Kstars/Ekos/Indi combo but unfortunately the Indi drivers for the Nikon D3200 camera are really rough. I can only set exposures up to 30s and half of the time it does not work. That's the reason why I am searching for a dedicated astro camera . I know the cooled cameras are the best but at this moment in time I do not have the budget for that type of cameras. So I was wondering if I can recommendations for a not cooled astro-camera that is good value for money. My main goal for now is Galaxies and probably later nebulae. Thanks
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