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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. A bit off topic but I like the picture on the chimney breast πŸ™‚
  2. Forgot to mention I am considering putting a hole in the kids play house roof and setting up in my new "Observatory" on a permanent basis 😊😊😊
  3. The 200p, rests in the utility room and can be easier moved out to the patio in one lift. All eye pieces are in there case in a kitchen cupboard. I tend to get My other items such as coat, hat, all ready in the kitchen also before I go out. That way I don't disturb the kids in bed while rumbling around 😊
  4. I will give the cheapie a go and see how I get on, I'm not a huge taker of pics anyway. Just nice to get an image now and then. If it's naff it's no bother at 3.39. 😊 Cheers all Baz
  5. Hi Happy-Kat Nebula looking nice and colourful above! I look forward to seeing the the image with the additional lights! Regards Baz
  6. Hi John, I was skimming over this thread again as I am looking to do the solar film modification and noticed I didn't answer the above. I have the solid tube 200p model. Bar a couple more mods (the film included) I have almost got it how I want it and am really enjoying it. Regards barry
  7. All purchased for a whopping Β£3.39 πŸ™‚ Now time to wait. Thanks again John
  8. I am up for that, its not an urgent item so I dont mind waiting to save a buck. Thanks John, Ebay here I come. Baz
  9. Thanks for the Link John, I will be investing in one of them come pay day! My Asto gear list keeps getting bigger! Nice shots of the moon, Its impressive what you can achieve with just a smartphone. Baz
  10. That would be great, I would like to see that pic Stu to get a better understanding of the terminator effect! πŸ™‚ Thank you
  11. Hi all, I am not really into to much of the imaging side but like to take the odd pic here and there with my phone. I literally just try to line my Sony Xperia up to the focuser and take the shot. Nothing to technical about that πŸ™‚ attached is a couple of shots of the moon, Jupiter and Venus I took. When lining my phone up to the focuser I often get a red light flicker on my screen of the phone which I assume is the camera and eye piece optics being at odds with each other. Some times I can tilt the phone enough to get a clear shot at the target but most of the time my phone and scope do not want to play together πŸ™‚ Is there a setting or something on the phone which would eliminate this? and what would be the best settings on a smartphone to try and take the best possible pics. Thanks all Baz
  12. Excellent, You learn something new everyday πŸ™‚ Certainly the right hand "edge" rather than side as I have described. Thanks you Baz
  13. Thank you Gav, That information is much appreciated. So in the above image would I be right in saying the terminator is on the right side from approximately 12 to 6 o'clock as the craters here are showing the most features. Thanks Baz
  14. What area of the moon is named the terminator? I have heard this term a few times now but do not know the location? Thanks in advance. Baz
  15. That is a stunning image of the moon. The level of detail is unbelievable πŸ™‚
  16. Excellent report. Glad you enjoyed your time at the eye piece. M45 is stunning at low power. Vega is a favourite of mine as it is the 1st star to become visible at the back of my house at dusk. Hope you have many enjoyable observing session. Baz
  17. It would also be very funny to see these shields on some serious kit, some very refined scopes on these forums would benefit from them😁
  18. Nice review. I agree they provide excellent views and perform very well for a modest outlay. The build quality is also very good. I will be picking up the 18mm come pay day to complete my set. I have all of them except the unrequired 3.2mm - They be my lens of choice in my amateur days. It would be nice if they offered some 2" 30mm plus eye pieces also. Baz
  19. We need dew shields / light shields for our scopes modeled after them "teeth" that would make for some scary scopes 😁
  20. Is that a Dino or a gator? Strange combo I must say! Baz
  21. That is spot on! You have to just go with it I guess, the sky will not bend to my will so I must accept it. If only we could do something about the LP though!
  22. Sunday night was a cracker for me. It must have been the best I have had in my short time at the eye piece. Couldn't make it out Monday, Then things took a turn for the worst last night, Now look at it... At least I can dream back to the days of Monday night πŸ™‚ Baz
  23. Just coming back to this thread, I was wondering what advice / tips we all have for improving our viewing conditions. We all have a common enemy know as Light Pollution which affects our seeing conditions, What have you done to try and combat this as best as possible. As mentioned in a previous thread I have added a light shield to my 200p and fully flocked to improve contrast. Any other pointers appreciated as like all of us I am trying to squeeze out the best views possible! Regrards Baz
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