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Everything posted by Stu1smartcookie

  1. Then you have the most portable set up of all .. get out at every moment . Do you mount the binos on a tripod ? And do you have a planned viewing session in mind ? As commented before , look at Stellarium and then you know when your targets will be in view .
  2. As above it depends on various things ... are you imaging , or just placing a scope on an Alt Az for viewing ? If you are using an EQ mount you need to polar align but also level the mount and balance everything . In short , if the weather is kind enough , give yourself as much time as possible . If you cant see polaris use a compass to point the mount true north . All these things will save time later and , of course the scope will need "cooling ".
  3. Hi , on Friday i took delivery of an AZ5 mount ( just 24 hours after ordering from FLO !!!). I had previously bought an adapter to convert my EQ5 tripod . Everything is rock solid . I had read that the AZ5 had a 5kg payload IF used with the aluminium tripod that it is paired with , however i read in the manual that the payload jumps to 9kg when used with a steel tripod . So armed with the info ,i set out to hopefully prove that it can be done . Firstly i adjusted the mount so it sits in a more vertical position on the tripod..( there are two possible positions ) . I then with trepidation placed my scope onto the mount .. oh yeah , you need to know what scope i am using ... well its the skywatcher explorer 200p . ( i can hear the purists cry NO at this point ) This scope weighs 8.3 kgs and with an eyepiece and a very lightweight RDF sits south of the 9kg max . Now , i really do understand why people would say that this shouldn't work , but , i have the tripod at the lowest level and the scopes length actually helps even the weight . I was pleasantly surprised how smooth the scope moved on the mount. The skywatcher manual gave me the confidence to try this set up and i am glad i did . In the picture the scope looks huge but the balance is just right . Last night i gave the set up its first use . A great success . Probably not something to use when its very windy , but then again , i would say that is the same for all large reflectors on all mounts . Maybe others have had good experiences using their mounts to its fullest capacity ?
  4. I always wanted to image ... but , with our weather the way it is , it became a frustrating and extortionately expensive part of astronomy . ( if you calculate how many times you get to use the gear throughout the year ) . Currently i have a visual set up where i can use a camera if there is a good clear night , but i also bought a more lightweight Alt Az mount that means i am still able to get outside without the pressure of polar aligning . I am amazed at the results others get from imaging .. i will never be at their level so for me , better to observe when i can . Its honestly kept me sane as i was getting a bit depressed looking constantly at cloud !!
  5. You are one up on me !! Uranus and Neptune have eluded me so far. (Although i think uranus is quite close to mars tonight ) . As for the RDF , i always favour a telrad .. it looks a bit industrial but i think its superior. I used to have a goto set up but i abandoned it in favour of tracking motors . The thrill of eventually finding your target is immense ... of course also a lot more difficult . Stick with it though .
  6. Frustration for me is cloudy skies that clear at 10pm but mean I have no opportunity to set up as I am up at 5 every week day ! Such a small window of opportunity and now as I look outside it’s another wasted night for me ! The summer is even worse as it doesn’t really get dark until really late . So , why bother ? Well despite what is written above .. I love this hobby and I love looking at the natural beauty of our sky ... and if I can get the occasional image , it’s worth it .
  7. Hi , I have a 200p on an EQ5 .. for me its a great combo , but , it is a bit unwieldy and carrying it any distance as has been said on here is a bit of a faff . Good scope though ! I have had a 150pds before and it really is a lovely scope .. very light and easy to manage , so you can't go far wrong with one of those . One more thing , you will end up in all sorts of positions using a 200p on an EQ5 ... i often have to loosen the tube rings to get the focuser in a position favourable for viewing . This is probably the main drawback i find with this scope . I have had 200mm and 250mm dobs and they are great . If its viewing only then i reckon its a good shout to buy one .
  8. The point , for me ,to get an az-alt mount is that i can use it for other scopes ( that i will certainly buy in the future ) . I may even just use my 200p on the eq5 and then buy an az5 mount head to attach to me eq5 tripod just to use a small refractor. My local scope supplier has just taken delivery of ST102's .... omg somebody hide my credit card !!!!!! i do like the dob mount route though
  9. Yes , i remember this site now ... as you say , quite expensive , but well made mounts .. i did actually think about contacting Bresser direct too , as i really like their mounts .
  10. If you knew me you would know that i am probably the worst person to attempt DIY lol ... the concept of me attempting to make even a simple dob mount horrifies me. I actually did think about buying one , but , where can i get one from?
  11. The AZ100 is way out of my price range , John ... At this crazy time , that would be divorce material . But the SkyTee is certainly an option
  12. Wow ! What about balance , John ?.. Have to say , after reading the reviews of the SkyTee it seems a great mount .
  13. Hmmm yes i suspected ... it was just a glimmer of hope lol . That means buying another scope ...sigh ! The wife will go nuts ! lol
  14. Hi ... so , i have an eq5 mount ... but i have purchased an adapter to enable me to use the eq5 tripod with an alt az head ... i was looking at the AZ5 mount head , which seems to get great reviews ... but (there is always a but ! ) i would like to use my skywatcher 200p on this mount . Now i know the payload is meant to be 5kgs , but that , i believe , is when the mount is on a rather flimsy tripod .. i did read that someone said i could push the weight to 9kgs ???, which would be right on the cusp of weight limit for my scope ( I am using the scope for visual ) . What are peoples thoughts on this ? Are there any other AZ Mounts that are more suited ? The reason for the alt az mount is because i'm totally fed up not being able to use the scope at all recently because of the weather . At least with an Alt Az i can set up very quickly .
  15. I have owned three of the AZ-GTi mounts , one of them was faulty .. but two were superb . The tripod that they are supplied with is at best adequate but it does the job . In The end though i bought a steel tripod with 3/8” bolt . It made the mount rock solid and I am regretting selling it . In fact , I am thinking of investing in another one . As for using the az-gti with batteries , I used it for 4 nights without any problems , however a different power supply would be my preference. I can’t comment on the Celestron scope but I have used the skymax skywatcher one and as long as you let it cool down it gives great views . Choice is a great thing until it’s you that has to make it . Lol it’s a bit of a lottery as you will get lots of opinions from genuine people on here . Whilst a handset is great as actually pressing buttons on a cold night gives more feedback than trying to press a phone screen or a tablet , but I actually prefer the modern wifi method . just my opinion of course . good luck in what ever you decide.
  16. Good idea for the imaging side of things .. weather update !! Mostly cloudy AGAIN zzzz oh how I long for those long frosty clear nights
  17. Lovely images .. tonight , despite the snowy start is meant to be clear .. can’t wait to finally use the scope again ! Actually reading posts from fellow SGL astronomers is the best way to get enthusiastic, even when it’s freezing cold out there.
  18. Nice post ,especially as i have an EQ5 with the dual motors and a 200p. Its nice to see that you had success with the combo . I've only had the gear for one month (just managed one night of viewing .. without the motors as they are a brand new and only just installed) I intend to be mainly visual although i will image .. but not to the standard of some of the wonderous photos i see on this forum . Like you, i also had an heq5 and found it a lump to haul in and out of the house ...especially as my gear is stored upstairs . So , an EQ5 for me is the perfect weight /Size ratio . People have said that i am pushing the weight by using a 200p on the mount , but i think as long as its not too windy , its fine . I hope you have more great successes .. i will certainly follow your progress
  19. Hi TonjeF, Welcome .. Please remember , NO question is silly . For every question asked there are many other people that will also benefit from the answers given . And , as you have found , the SGL community will ALWAYS help where they can . I hope you have lovely clear skies .
  20. i will never actually give up , Roy ... these cloudy skies are what makes us even more enthusiastic when the weather improves
  21. Hi Roy ... welcome... This is a subject that is very close to everyone's heart , in my case to the point of being almost fed up enough to give up! ( on astronomy , not life , you understand lol ) Having bought a scope in December i have used the thing once in one month . I FEEL YOUR PAIN . But lets celebrate the fact that the skies WILL eventually clear . I wish you every success with your scope .
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