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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. If it's new I would get in touch with the supplier and ask for a replacement. Shouldn't have arrived like that.
  2. Welcome to the forum. Lot's of talented people here from all walks of life and astronomical interest's. I'm sure you'll be able to contribute to many of the topics and conversations on here. Have fun with your astro hobby.
  3. Yes, I've noticed the reduction in recent images taken by others. Wish I'd have the chance to do an imaging run myself, but so far weather and life has got in the way.
  4. I've had pretty awful weather since September so decided to have another go of file's I've not processed from September. Apologies for posting image from September. C11XLT-CT and Zwo ASI 224mc camera.
  5. Hi all, managed to get some clear sky on the 6th, first this month. Lunt 60mm DS and Zwo Asi 178mm. False colour added in photoshop.
  6. Case in point, just processed some Mars data from this September 2020. I'd taken several data files and just looked at this today.
  7. Very true James. Perhaps drawings of observations will last longer than the digital observations we make. Makes me wonder.
  8. Thanks everyone, I'll get usb 3 external drive, fairly cheap these days. I'll probably never look at them again 🤣
  9. Hi all, I need to do something with 500gb of data from files accumulated from camera. Do I just delete or transfer to separate disk drive? What do others do with old data? Sometimes I've revisited the data, mostly Avi files and redone the data as my data processing has improved. Be nice to know what others do. I'm running a 1Tb laptop for processing and acquisition but it's nearly full.
  10. Taken with my C11XLT-CT and Zwo 178mm camera. Mono image. False colour added in Photoshop
  11. Welcome to the bright side. I've been solar observing/imaging for over a year now and hooked, lol. I have a Lunt 60mm DS. My solar scope is the most used scope I own. Seeing during the day also seems better but no scientific proof of that. I've thought totally about going over to solar and selling off my night time scope's to get a bigger Lunt, lol.
  12. Hi, you might like to try ImPPG specific to solar sharpening after stacking.
  13. Thanks Jeremy, really hard getting steady sky but not to bad.
  14. Another Mars image from my C11 XLT-CT.
  15. We'll, with the sun getting lower it meant the Lunt scope and solarquest mount didn't have enough height to see over the RoR walls. So thinking cap on as I didn't really want to spend £60 on another extension. Came up with the empty paint can filled with filler with central hole to take the extended bar. Not completely finished yet so will post an update when done.
  16. I'm afraid so, but mine was second hand, £1950. A lot less. They come up from time to time.
  17. Hydrogen Alpha pressure tuned Lunt 60mm with a double stack filter.
  18. Hi. I use a Lunt 60mm double stack and Zwo ASI 178mm camera USB.
  19. I mostly go second hand so costs mostly half the price. Just need to wait until something you are looking for comes up.
  20. Thanks a lot Dave, how could you. Very disappointed, lol.
  21. Brilliant image, thanks for sharing.
  22. Will people stop buying stuff, the weather is even worse 😵😵😵😵
  23. I'm afraid they are only mono. C11 XLT CD, Zwo Asi 178mm. Light frames only. Still struggling with LRGB at the moment. Awful weather to contend with and Mars bouncing around the field of view on all occasions.
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