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Posts posted by Tomatobro

  1. If you don't mind a bit of DIY then a vibration switch can be soldered across the push button contacts of a wireless door bell and then fasten the door bell switch to the scope.

    The door bell can then be plugged into the mains so you get a warning if the scope is interfered with. This is the one I used from Ebay. The vibration switch also is available in various levels of sensitivity

    TECKNET Wireless Door Bells 400M Range Home Cordless 38 Chimes Plug In Doorbell

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  2. Draco triplet.

    NGC5982 eliptical Galaxy
    NGC5981 Edge on Spiral Galaxy
    NGC5985 Spiral Galaxy

    These galaxies are probably not related and reside at different distances so the triplet is purely a line of sight effect. NGC 5985 is about 120 million light years away, NGC 5982 about 130 million years and the small edge on NGC 5981 about 100 million light years away.

    NGC 5981 is quite a small dwarf galaxy. NGC 5982 and 5985 were found by William Herschel in 1788 but NGC 5981 had to wait until 1850 when it was found by J Stoney at Birr castle, probably with the 72".

    NGC 5985 is an almost face on spiral. It is classified as a Seyfert type 1 galaxy with an active black hole at its nucleus. It is also classified as a LINER.

    NGC 5982 is classified as an elliptical galaxy class E3. Although it looks quiescent now deep images reveal shells surrounding which are the results of a merger with another galaxy. These shells were found in the optical but were among the first to be discovered in the mid infra-red using data from Spitzer. NGC5982 may also be an active galaxy hiding a black hole. The merger probably happened about a billion years ago. Although it is an elliptical galaxy it also contains a young population of stars, perhaps as a result of the merger.

    Telescope 10 inch RC
    Camera ZWO ASI1600 MM

    180 x 30 second exposures luminance
    30 x 30 second exposures RGB

    Imagies taken over the nights of 25th/26th and 27th May 2022

    Stacked with APP and minor processing with GIMP



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  3. My hunch is that NINA is using Powershell to call the batch file and allowing it to run in the background while just displaying the CMD screen. There is also something going on where if the USB to serial module is not connected then calling the batch file direct it runs but reports that the call to the none available serial com port is not available but completes the batch file instructions. NINA looks to be running a check first and reports that the batch file cannot be run with the designated com port  missing.

  4. When NINA calls the batch file you get a plain CMD terminal with no other text. In SharpCap you get the c:\ Program Files (x86) SharpCap 4.0 as a first line.

    So my thoughts were that SharpCap is invoking the batch file in a different way to NINA. I don't have the "Program files" bit as part of my batch file so it must be being generated by SharpCap.

  5. These two screen shots show the difference between the two terminal screens. Don't worry about the illegal com port it was not connected.

    Capture1 is when the batch file is called direct and capture 2 is when called via NINA. For both screens the batch file is running successfully.



  6. 1) when the batch file is called from the directory where it is stored (documents) it displays the terminal screen and it runs properly. Shows things like the timeout counter counting down etc.

    Both NINA and Sharpcap have provision in the sequencer to set up a path to a batch file and will run the batch file when it is called. When the batch file is completed the terminal screen closes and returns to the next step in the sequence. The difference is that when called by NINA the command terminal opens but does not display the information (like the countdown timer) but is just a terminal with a flashing cursor. However, by watching the output to the serial port I can see that the batch file is running in the background, and when finished the terminal screen closes and NINA then goes to the next step in the sequence

    2) In the advanced sequencer you pull across the bar from the menu and type in the path to the batch file

    Why clicking directly on the batch file it runs AND displays the progress but called from NINA it runs but the progress is not displayed seems odd as control is passed to the same bit of DOS code.

    Hope this clarifies but I will try to capture and post both terminal screens if it helps

  7. Tomato has an older Pulsar dome for which we built the dome control. We use Rf solutions modems to do two way communication to the dome (all electronics rotate with the dome)

    As we make changes to the controls to allow for unattended imagining we need for Nina to run on one laptop. The idea is that NINA will do focusing on scope A then run a script that will switch the usb port to the other focuser if FWH changes. then run focusing and then switch back. We also will be able to close the shutter at sequence end rather that rely on a timer. Other changes are planned such as stop on  cloud detection etc

  8. NINA in the advanced sequencer allows for a .bat file to be inserted and run

    I have a .bat script that sends via a com port a command to open and close a relay. This batch file when run directly from the documents folder shows the terminal screen and displays all my echo text and opens and closes the relay and closes the terminal when done.

    When called from NINA the terminal screen is shown and the batch file runs properly in the background but the terminal just shows the CMD and a flashing cursor then exits when the batch file is done. No echo's are shown.

    I can live with the way it works now but are there any  MSDOS experts out there who can point me to the command to make it display the script?

    I have tried all kinds of Google searches but nothing seems to fit this problem


    I am beginning to think this is a NINA issue as Sharpcap 4.0 sequencer has the same run batch file facility and it runs my batch file normally i.e. it shows on the console all my echo's for script progress.

  9. Just packed away my PST. Have been watching two flares on the limb, a really big one that seemed to eject the top of it and a arched shaped one in the other hemisphere. Plus sunspot group, three more isolated ones and a big filament

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