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Posts posted by Tomatobro

  1. 3 hours ago, LaurenceT said:

    How do you clamp the guidescope to the bar to maintain alignment with the scope?

    I made a custom clamp for the counterweight bar. I can move it up or down for balance and rotate for alignment. I use pulse guiding via PHD on a laptop. Guide scope alignment is not critical as long as its near enough pointing to the same bit of sky. You can see a custom red counterweight which is lighter than the one supplied with the SW adventurer.

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  2. I found that even with collimation aids a star test on a defocused star was required for that final tweak.

    I use a Chesire and the TSCOLLI and with the focus tube wound fully in (no extension rings fitted) the bright outer ring is adjusted till its an even thickness all the way round. On Your image it looks to be offset a little to the top right?

  3. I went the for the larger field smaller optics route using two Samyang 135 F2 lenses. The cameras are Atik Horizon 2 OSC and ZWO ASI1600mm with filters

    Getting the field of view to match was the only real issue as differential flex turned out not to be a problem.  Weight wise it was about the same as my MN190

    I just spotted that the toothed belt on the focus stepper motor is not fitted on the ZWO scope



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  4. Its not 100% clear in the photo but if the connection is broken just by the J7 then I would brighten up the two sides and just re solder. I then would add extra support using a hot glue gun to put a ring of glue around the connector.

    I know that is easy for me to say but do you have anyone nearby that is good at soldering? If no heat gun available then epoxy resin would be an alternative

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