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Everything posted by Chriske

  1. Thanks..!!! All SSR's I used in all printers will be replaced asap
  2. Bed 'seems' ok 80 Ohm(the old one) and I had a spare and measured 82 Ohm. The built in thermistor and a new one both 125K. Fingers crossed...?
  3. Thanks guys for all the help... The thing is, two months ago my best pal Marc died. We were a close team. I did the designing/drawing of telescopes and other stuff and he did all the electronics. I have a basic knowledge electronics, but mostly I'm in the dark. There is another guy helping me from time to time, but his free time (due to his work) is very limited. And don't dare to ask him to often. So again, THANKS very much to you all.
  4. Oops...did not know...! Dam..
  5. The 240V bed is earthed...of course..! Safety first..! I never use anodised alu.
  6. Wonder if that silicone bed is still OK...
  7. What you are saying JuJu, all these SSR should not be used in PMW systems...??
  8. Dooh...! NOW I understand...! Yes that's it...!!! The moment the SSR is completely molten, then the bed stops warming automatically. Silly me, not trusting the manufactures of this nice looking JUNK... !..😡
  9. Did some 'dismantling', I have not been gentle...🤗 Emotional people should skip this post... You have been warned...! Here we go.. Tools needed to do this job : Hammer , screwdriver, pliers, lots of force..! Before A few seconds later another 20 sec later...
  10. A bimetalic thermostat, would not last very long. The beds are all PMW powered.
  11. Planning to install a second Arduino, or a Nano, to do a extra temp-check on both heaterblock and bed, parallel with the primary thermistors. When something like this happens again, the secondary safety circuit will cut power completely.
  12. Frankly, I had no idea these (made in RC) rubbish parts were this bad. I'd think a safety margin or a fuse was built in...NOT...! Problem these days : All things we buy here in European countries are also marked 'Made in RC'
  13. Good thinking maybe I could buy from RS in UK
  14. Not were I live, dam...
  15. I'll replace them all asap Problem is you need to run a company/business to buy from them.
  16. Hi all, I always build my own printers. One of a 'standard' part in all my printers is a SSR, like this one. I've also built a few of my printers for friends. Anyway : Suddenly that SSR got stuck. Silicone heater bed kept warming. I entered my workshop and a burned electronics odour immediately set me in 'alarm' modus. Bed temp at that moment was 265°C...! Glass(bed) all over the place..! Lucky me I was at home...!😳 I'm absolutely sure many of us (printer builders) use these SSR's....! You've been warned..! Main question now : were do we buy trustworthy SSR's...??
  17. Very professional and scientific approach indeed...🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. Well, now that you make a joke out of it, the thing is... When we first started building printers and our very first part was 'born'. My wife looked at it, lifted her eyebrow(maybe two, don't remember) and said : 'Yeah.... toys for boys' Seven years later, I lost count how many, small tools and replacements have been made by me for my dear wife, printed with that 'Toy for boys' machine. And what's more I don't even ask to make all these things. When she needs something for here hobby, or something small is broke, she comes to me and asks if I could make/repair something for here. 😁
  19. 'Glow in the dark' filament would have been better imo..🤗 (just kidding) Nice job btw..!
  20. In those days we thought it was 'normal', but these big DarkStar scopes are far to heavy imo. We're going to dump the tube and will install trusses.
  21. Looking for a self-made (very) low profile focuser I didn't found any, except for the one I made. But there's a printer involved. Anyway, completely focused 'inward' it's only 28mm high.
  22. While doing a surge on the net I found this one. I made it many many years ago, I completely forgot about it... Teflon strips to guide the focuser barrel. And If you look closely, around the focusing rod is a very thin shim of teflon too.
  23. I'm a bit surprised you did not print a focuser...
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