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Everything posted by Chriske

  1. m.tweedy...Is that C5 and C6..?(Avatar)
  2. Drawing saw-patterns on plywood. Planning to make a light, yet strong inner framework. This is what it will look like. I printed rather thick rings to connect all wood disks with aluminium poles.
  3. I did a quick drawing, ok no holes, a spider for a 200 mm scope stl file was 389KB slicing that thing it was just 9.8Mb
  4. It's a simple concept, how do you manage to end up making that spider : 130Mb...??
  5. The back-attributes mounted on a 600mm paper 'mould'. I took a snapshot of that back and printed it on a piece of paper so I can see where exactly all these lower parts should be mounted. All wiring and tubes will be added when all these parts are mounted onto the wooden surface.
  6. This is how it should be build to 'remove' all traces of diffraction. To be clear : these two circles are the primary and secondary mirror. I think the spider's scope above is very close, if not perfect.
  7. Assembling the heaters again was the last thing to do, and they do work flawlessly again...😁
  8. Next step : making of the telescope-compartment Because I had no barrel of the correct size I had to use a couple of these. In the picture the already were cannibalised (two terras-heaters). Needless to say my lovely wife and my neighbours wife were not happy when they saw these two lying on the ground, taped together...🤭 Because of the smaller diameter it was very difficult to bend this 420mm 'telescope'. In an earlier life we used to make our telescope-tubes this way. They were very strong....anyway... This is the result :
  9. Good choice. Remember the sum of the angles of the curves must be 180° to 'rule out' diffraction. 'Rule out' is not correct I know, I should rather say the diffraction normally seen with a regular spider is evenly and completely 'smeared out' all over the field of view using curved spiders.
  10. Started building HST's hull out of 4mm hardboard. First parts is the lower -instruments- part What I need : Sun and wind, hardboard, belts, 600mm diameter barrel, water(lots of it)
  11. My pal Michel is busy drawing all connections between the corridors and SaturnV. This is corridor'1' , Eight more to go. All these connection differ a bit.
  12. A few smaller corrections have been made and now LUT is added the hight of the complete project will be just over 4 meter.
  13. Still drawing LUT, start printing soon.
  14. Thanks a lot Pete. I already ordered at Conrad. Apparently some of the readers here do have a VAT number
  15. I had another three in stock One that didn't work at all(left) and another Chinese copy. The third, also made in Taiwan, is now installed.
  16. Reply from RS-UK Thank you for your e-mail and your order. Unfortunately it is not possible for us to deliver to individuals without VAT number. We are a business to business supplier and therefore we cannot proceed your order.
  17. Well, same in UK, you need to fill in the name of company. So there's no way I can buy from RS in UK, same as in BE
  18. Stupid question I know Julian, but why would 'things' in general be made better in other countries then in RC..?
  19. As I said I'll buy these, But aren’t these also made in China...?
  20. I'll order in UK because only companies can buy from RS-BE
  21. Hey guys, How do I know this : It will depend on where in the frequency cycle the switching occurs.
  22. Meanwhile all parts except for the heatbed are replaced and re-connected.
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