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Everything posted by Rusted

  1. Flaring again from the same area! The lid is going to blow!
  2. This YT video will give you an idea of the seeing conditions at the time. I had darkened the SharpCap screen to try and tame the flare. Unsuccessfully. It is interesting to compare the video with the processed, still image above. 1st image in the 1st post.
  3. I captured an incredibly bright flare in the AR just below AR12835. From ~10-10.30 [CET] 09.00-09.30 UK time. Almost no sign of flaring in an earlier capture at 09.51.[CET]
  4. You've probably missed it by now but I captured a massive flare in the disturbed region below AR12835 from around 10.00 to to nearly 10.30 [CET] 9-9.30 UK time. It was so bright I couldn't tame it with SharpCap with the screen completely black!
  5. Thanks. Tomorrow is promised to be sunny all day.
  6. Another day pretending to be sunny. Fortunately it cleared enough for some snaps towards the end of the afternoon. Variable sharpening in ImPPG is [probably] a matter of taste. Today I was in the mood to push a bit harder.
  7. I bought a secondhand 90M years ago. Still use it for solar white light imaging with a Lunt 1.25" wedge and Solar Continuum filter. Shown here with a home made solar foil filter and star diagonal.
  8. Thanks. We had total overcast until evening after I snapped this image. More promising sunshine forecast tomorrow. The view of these ARs should improve with time.
  9. Cloud and poor seeing here. Don't blame the messenger. Disturbed region with filaments in both the north east and south east.
  10. Here are some of my "snaps." I don't usually get the seeing conditions to do any better. I know I'm going to regret doing this.
  11. I've been struggling for clear sky this morning. Cloudy day forecast so I took my chance starting early.
  12. I swapped the Lunt BF1200 over to the PST for more throughput without needing Gain. Added the 2.6x GPC for more scale. Surprised, but not delighted, by the results. Good old ImPPG saves the day! I've added a surface image using the PST BF. It provides a very different view compared to the Lunt. The seeing was awful! Luckily it clouded over at lunch time. So no need to keep trying the impossible.
  13. A very pleasing image on all counts!
  14. The first image is excellent. Nicely detailed and very evenly lit. Not over-sharpened. The second image shows lateral, off-band variations in brightness and detail. I get exactly the same thing with my PST mod. Which demands frequent etalon retuning. The ZWO ASI174MM is well regarded as a close up camera. There are more expensive variations by other makers using the same Sony sensor.
  15. Superb! It was just like being there.
  16. Thanks, but YT is handy for sharing widely. I still haven't managed to make a .gif move! Nor do I subscribe to Flickr.
  17. Overcast for two days so I have been having another go at animation. Batch processed in AS!3, then centred in ImPPG then processed in ImPPG. Processed from Tiffs as AVI animation in PIPP. I overcame my main hurdle by allowing cropping and ROI. Only a few [15 frames] repeated at 20fps. May have caught a flare. Need lots more practice!
  18. Thanks for the guide to animation. Much appreciated. First and only successful animation so far. 5 frames of an old prom at 10fps. AVI not GIF. GIF's still refuse to move.
  19. Hi John, Solid rain here too. I've had no luck so far. Despite hours of trying with PIPP. All I get is a continuous still for the duration of the animation. I've tried both GIF and AVI with different source material. It made no difference. The PIPP screen with the number of frames, etc, looks fine. It just doesn't move! I must be doing something silly. I wouldn't mind it it hopped all over the screen and flashed on and off. Once I got it going I could fix the rest.
  20. Excellent! Love the delicacy of your prom animations.
  21. Thanks, but you'd need some pretty extreme sunblock.
  22. NO! Gloves and machines in rotation are even more dangerous! Gloves can easily grab hold of polished shafts and wrap the victim tightly around that shaft! That is why tractors must have covers over their external drive shafts. Any blade which can cut through harder materials than flesh will give you a life changing injury! Goggles are usually considered a good idea. It keeps the spraying blood out of your eyes!
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