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Galen Gilmore

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Everything posted by Galen Gilmore

  1. Nice star field. Neat stars as well.
  2. Nice, but it looks like you clipped the data. Try to keep the full histogram visible, only clipping the "flat" parts. Try adjusting color balance in the shadows to get a nice looking background instead of clipping shadow detail. Other than that good picture, a lot of good detail visible there.
  3. Stop posting amazing pictures!!! You are making me jealous! I just need some clear skies...
  4. I guess that is possible, but would it really take such a huge bite out of the star?
  5. I would assume so. I did so with a few other challenges in the past.
  6. Flat frames fix two things. Dust bunnies that appear as little smudges on images, and vinneiting, the darker areas on the edges of the image. You take flats by shooting a completely evenly illuminated surface, I like using a laptop screen with a white t-shirt taped over the front of my scope with my camera on AV mode. You take about 10-20 of these. An important thing to know is that optical train must be exactly the same for flats as for lights, same filters, same focus, same position if the camera, everything. HTH.
  7. Anybody know what is causing these pacman shaped stars in my images? They always go the same direction, not increasing towards the outside.
  8. @tony8690Nice images, especially the Andromeda. The Orion is nice, but it needs more frames. Are you adding flat frames? If not you should, that will fix most of the vinneiting.
  9. That is an issue of light pollution, and not a limitation of your camera. A 15 second exposure with the Canon 5D Mkii where I live is almost completely white. Try getting out to a dark sky where everything is 100x better.
  10. At prime focus there is no magnification as the image can scaled to any size, so what is the magnification then? Im no expert, but the way you measure the image "magnification" is with arc seconds per pixel. That way, no matter how much you crop or move away from the image, the arc seconds per pixels stays the same. HTH
  11. I think there were some pages that resolved this issue on this thread, can't exactly remember where though. I personally have not cut it.
  12. Is this just a 'no narrowband' challenge? Or do I actually have to be shooting seperate RGB channels?
  13. Sorry, the image didn't quite upload right. Here is the Orion Nebula. There are two versions, one looks more natural (at least to my eyes) and one has less noise and a less blown out core.
  14. First time at the Orion Nebula, I think I did it justice! 120 x 25, 15 x 20 image.tiff
  15. Sorry for so many questions!!! how many hot pixels would be present without the use of dark frames or dithering? Not camera specific or anything, just in general. How long would it take to manually clean hot pixels in Photoshop?
  16. Woah, didn't expect that many responses in such a short time span! Thanks everybody, stopping the motor seems easy enough.
  17. Thank you. No you did not misunderstand. My mount only has the basic R.A motors, therefore it doesn't have the ability to connect to a computer. I was only asking because I thought that it might have something to do with the camera itself.
  18. Hi thanks, does APT require you to be guiding? How does it automatically dither if its not directly controlling the mount?
  19. Thanks, is there a way to dither without a mount control software?
  20. Quick question for those of you who use a DSLR for imaging. How many of you use dark frames in your images? I have heard a lot about how dark frames might actually hurt the images more than help them.
  21. Good luck! And hope you have a wonderful time with whatever you decide to buy!
  22. For me is was worth it. The 130pds is fantastic, and is the perfect weight for an EQ5. A 150pds might be a bit too much for an EQ5 though. Just make sure that you atleast buy the enhanced dual axis motors for the EQ5, that way you can start autoguiding when you need to.
  23. Ok thanks everybody for the info. I realize that LP filters are not magic, and that they actually cut out some detail in galaxies and reflection nebulae. But hopefully whichever filter I choose to buy, it will help my images.
  24. So the Optolong filters are just Chinese knock-offs of astronomic filters?
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