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  1. Astronomy Tools and Clear Outside are both overdue an update (the pandemic distracted us) and you are both welcome to offer advice and make suggestions. Contact Astronomy Tools Contact Clear Outside Grant will likely do or oversee the updates so if you contact us please be constructive - he has no time for snarky πŸ™‚ Steve
  2. David says he prefers a replacement, not refund, so that is what will be arranged πŸ™‚ After we have frozen his mount in a fridge/freezer it will be added with reduced price to the Clearance board. Steve
  3. Will need a notice on the door saying 'No ready-meals or pizzas!' 😁
  4. We thought the same ☺️ Initially when @David Rawlins contacted us he reported the problem only occurred when using the PSU. When using the original cable and car battery it worked okay. This is why we focused on power and replacing the PSU. He later said it stopped working regardless of how it was powered so we arranged collection and tested it in our workshop. We tried multiple power sources and all worked. Then the conversation centred around low temperature. My colleagues in the workshop involved me when they felt David had lost faith in the mount and was growing frustrated with it and us. We have learned over the years when this happens (no fault found and customer unhappy) it is often best if we simply refund in full. So I emailed David offering him a full refund. This is when he sought opinion from you good people πŸ™‚ @Carbon Brush You clearly work in this field so know your onions. I think it is time we bought a freezer for the workshop. HTH, Steve
  5. A solid tube version isn't currently an option but we would consider it if the situation changes.
  6. No customers have reported this to us and we have not encountered it ourselves πŸ™‚ When testing the larger 10" model we concluded it would benefit from a TS Light Shade only when used with a full-frame sensor. (We doubt a shade would provide any benefit when using smaller camera sensors or smaller aperture RC telescopes). We have been sourcing GSO-manufactured StellaLyra RC telescopes from Oct 2020. We are not familiar with GSO-manufactured RC scopes sold before then or by other retailers. HTH, Steve
  7. Another shipment is enroute. ETA at our warehouse is early-mid Feb. HTH
  8. This is true πŸ™‚ @centroid I notice you are critical of your camera but don't mention which brand you own. Instead you simply say 294 or 294c, as though all cameras with the same sensor are equal. Cameras that share the same sensor do have similar characteristics but their design, manufacture and performance are rarely equal. HTH, Steve
  9. "It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages." Henry Ford -------------- FLO is an accredited Real Living Wage employer πŸ™‚ This means that, as a business, we have made the conscious decision to ensure everyone at FLO is paid a fair wage. A wage that meets real-world everyday needs. The Living Wage Foundation awards the Living Wage accreditation. This independent organisation recognises UK businesses committed to ensuring their employees and contractors are paid a wage that provides a comfortable standard of living.
  10. FLO is Software Bisque's exclusive UK partner for sales and support for Paramount mounts πŸ™‚ Paramount Astronomy Mounts
  11. We are anticipating the same, though the importer/distributor has not yet confirmed this.
  12. ZWO have also released a new TC40 Carbon Fibre tripod designed specifically for the AM5 mount.
  13. The new ZWO AM5 Harmonic Drive Equatorial Mount should start arriving at our warehouse around Feb/Mar πŸ™‚ An early bird discount is available for orders placed January 2022. Like all other ZWO products purchased at FLO, the new AM5 mount includes a two-year warranty and is covered by our 30-day return policy. So you can buy with confidence πŸ˜‡
  14. Sky-Watcher's UK importer/distributor hasn't mentioned a 2022 price rise but Celestron (Sky-Watcher & Celestron are both owned/manufactured by Synta) increased their prices only recently so we would not be surprised if Sky-Watcher do too.
  15. When updating our product descriptions we have set what we consider sensible prices (lower than SRP) but will monitor competitor's prices over the coming days and weeks to ensure we remain competitive. It often takes around a month for prices to settle.
  16. Celestron have increased their prices to reflect higher manufacturing and distribution costs. They say our backordered stock will be supplied at pre-increase prices only if delivered to us before end of Jan. At FLO we want to assure all our customers with existing backorders their order will be fulfilled at pre-increase prices. Regardless of when delivered πŸ™‚ So if you already have a Celestron product on backorder at FLO - the higher prices will not affect you. Thank-you for your patience and understanding during these extraordinary times.
  17. That was quick! Thank-you πŸ˜€ Please email us your order number to receive a Β£25 FLO Gift Voucher. Merry Christmas πŸŽ… Steve
  18. That is probably an error. I am sure we have more arriving January. We will check and update soon πŸ™‚ Steve
  19. Thank-you πŸ™‚ We will close tomorrow (mid-afternoon) until Wed 29th. We will then reopen until Fri 31st (mid-afternoon) when we will close until Tues 4th Jan for New Year. HTH, Steve
  20. We want to wish you all an enjoyable time over the Christmas / New Year period, however you choose to spend it πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸ”­ 2021 has been another extraordinary year but your optimism and enthusiasm for astronomy has remained so we continue to grow. Thanks to you, we and SGL remain in good health. We are hugely grateful for your continued support and appreciate every order, every referral and every review. You are at the heart of everything we do. We hope and anticipate 2022 will provide opportunities to meet again face-to-face at a star party or event. We look forward to this. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Alex, Annette, Ann, Chris, Cody, Dave, Grant, Ian, James, Katie, Lisa, Maggie, Matt, Michael, Rob & Steve πŸ™‚
  21. The lens cell is robust but Synta concluded the area where it screws into the OTA needed strengthening. They also strengthened the box and packaging. The changes were made very soon after the telescope was launched and were intended to ensure the telescope survives delivery via courier. I suspect your review here at SGL, John, of a damaged telescope partly influenced their decision. HTH, Steve
  22. I would expect the outer nylon material to be waterproof but I doubt the zips are. Probably as waterproof as any other bag of its type. HTH
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