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  1. Out last night in the observatory, an interesting night, first night for quite awhile. I was starting to pack up and close down about 1230 when I heard someone on his phone in the lane a couple of feet away. Deciding to wait until he finished and buggered off I stayed quite until I realised he was not going away so got on with with closing down, it was then I heard him say that there was someone in his neighbours shed. It dawned on me that he was speaking to the police and I was the subject, hitting the security switch I got the lights on and greeted him over the fence, we both laughed about it, closed down and got into the house before I had to answer to the police :)

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    2. JimT


      Yes Craney it was decent of him to even approach the area, I went to see him this morning and gave him a bottle of Bacardi as a thank you.  I did tell him what the "tree house", his daughter christened it thus when she seen me build it  :)

    3. westmarch



      Have you thought of renaming your posts - Astronomy against the odds?


    4. JimT


      Hi John, yes I should, even on here I have problems, albums don't work :( but I will persevere :)


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