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Posts posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. Spotted Beetlejuice the other night, naked eye. It's very dim compared to any other time I've seen it in 40 years.

    I've been reading a lot lately about it and many people think we are witnessing the death of it. If so, it's already happened, and given the speed of light we will see changes over the next few months/years.

    One show I saw on TV said that when Betelguese does go SN, the resulting SN or Nebula will completely fill the sky. We wont be able to see anything else.

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  2. I call this "Lorna Drives to Tesco". She has an annoying habit of driving around all the back roads to avoid traffic on the main street. Normal time from house to Tesco is about 15 mins. Going Lorna's way could be 50 mins, crossing in and out of 3 counties (Kildare, Meath and Dublin).


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    • Haha 7
  3. A total eclipse is top of my list. There's one visible from Southern Spain on 12th Aug 2026. Hopefully, I'll make that one. At least in spain, in August, there shouldn't be clouds. It also wouldn't be financially draining, and you can make a 2 week summer holiday out of it.

    I could even do the 2024 in USA. My sis lives there and would be good excuse to visit. She's in Reno (Nevada).

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  4. We were woken up this morning at 4am by a very bright flash of light and then a very loud bang. This morning I was browsing my town's community notice boards, and a fair few other people reported the same. Nobody said that they saw anything in the sky, but saw the flash and heard the bang. I can only guess that it was a meteorite. I haven't read anything online about it. Might be something on the evening news.

    It was quite a spectacular event, if a little scary.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, carastro said:

    I always think meteor showers are a disappointment, and have stopped bothering to watch them.  One of these days though I must set up my camera for a few hours worth of capture and see what I get.


    I love the fact that we sit, stand for hours hoping to see any. We think "right, any second now". We dare not go inside for fear of missing them.

    Unless of course its cloudy. Then we go to bed and cant sleep because we are looking out every 5 minutes. 

    All very exciting.

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