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Posts posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tenor Viol said:

    I remember many years ago seeing Saturn through a 5" Cooke refractor (f/15) under a fairly high magnification in extremely good conditions. That was about 40 years ago....

    My 1st view of Saturn was with a 90mm  Celestron Fistscope refractor (F11.....IIRC).  I cant remember the EP. I remember me words to this day. I cant post them here. It was in 2010.

    Probably a 10mm Celstron Plossel.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Tenor Viol said:

    In the UK we don't get that type of weather... so it is very rare to be able to use very high magnifications. 

    Ive used a 4mm eyepiece ONCE here in Ireland to view the Moon . It felt like i was hovering a couple of miles above the surface.  Ive never had that experience again. It was a night when everything was perfect.

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/07/2020 at 08:55, FMA said:

    I’m writing this half angry, half sad. Bought the eqh5 and a 130 pds to have fun with the son and since then it’s been all problems.

    Goto never goes to the star I want. In put Polaris in the middle of a 24 mm zoom and tell to align to Vega. It goes more or less the direction, but never in the eyepiece. Never. If don’t go to Vega, how's  gonna find any other thing!!

    so I saw the Stellarmate in internet to help to align. Bought raspberry, paid for the stellarmate and a 120 zwo. Since then, I’m a programmer not an astronomer. It’s an unfinished world full of problems. Full. Since you get the raspberry it’s one problem after other. Always in forums, asking to solve problems. If you have one hour of clear skies, you lose it rebooting the bloody machine. WiFi problems, drivers.....still hasn’t plate solved anything.....and I’m talking using the iPad.Kstars and Ekos in Mac....ja! I gave up long time ago. Just impossible to make it work without being Bill Gates.

    im sad. I’ve spent 1500 pound in the system and I’ve only seen the sun and the moon. Not sure  if is this system or it’s me. 
    due job/kids I can’t go to any meeting to see if any advanced mate would help me.

    im angry this morning. I don’t know what to do. It’s not just one problem, there are so many.....

    this is not astronomy, this is engineering....

    any support like “come on mate, you’ll do it” much appreciated 

    Pd: turned on mount now, and synscan only turning on when plugged to stellarmate....oh, come on, another problem more?





    You're on the right forum for advice. Absolutely DO NOT GIVE UP. Astronomy can be, and is very frustrating at times. The current situation we are all living in, doesnt help (stress, depression, financial worries, kids at home).

    I dont know your gear, so cant advise. All i can say is that many of us here have thought about giving up at some stage. Ive been into astronomy for the last 40 yrs, and im still here. Its not a hobby to me, it a huge part of who i am.


    It will all fall into place. 


    • Like 3
  4. So I’ve just ordered 3 new eye pieces, BST Star-Guider 8mm & 12mm and a Vixen NPL 30mm.

    Possibly the only 3 eyepieces that you will ever need. BST, are held in high regard, as are Vixen.

    8,12,30mm is a nice range of field of view to own. You have 8mm (high mag), 12mm (medium) and 30mm (wide field).

    If you ever want an eyepiece that is truly submersive, the GSO 32mm Plossel is  a stonkingly brilliant eyepiece.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I have an 8SE. Brilliant scope in most ways. If you want to turn to the dark side (imaging), its not really suitable because its an Alt-Az mount. Imaging requires an EQ mount. 

    For $1,200, id say you got a bargain.

    Best advice that I can give is:

    Use your scope and other stuff until you know it inside out and backwards. You will learn what works for you, and what doesnt. Dont rush to buy anything else. Astronomy is a slippery slope (imaging, even more so). The scope is the cheapest part. Its all the accessories and eyepieces that empty your wallet.

  6. On 28/07/2020 at 13:55, Dean Hale said:

    Just started this hobby during lockdown and have a Skywatcher 130ps and thought i'd take a punt on a cheapish refractor when travelling. Pleasantly surprised it seems a solid unit. Plus clear skies tonight for a change.


    I bought the same a couple of years ago, along with an AZ5 tripod/mount. Its a great scope. I really cant fault it apart from the plastic finderscope. The R&P focuser is the best ive ever had. Its sulky smooth.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, John said:

    Back in the 1980's forums did not exist so rumours of a drop in quality took a long time to percolate though the astro community. Also many who bought scopes had little or no experience of them so simply did not realise that their optics were not as good as they might be.

    With forums such as SGL and Cloudynights I think the astro consumer is much better informed and information circulates really fast. I don't think a manufacturer would risk dropping their standards today. They would never recover their reputation.


    I've tried Cloudy Nights, and all they seem to be interested in is who has the biggest/most expensive gear.

    It's not for me.

    SGL is upfront honest experience/advice.

    • Like 2
  8. 18 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

    Oh and I will be 8 (years a member) in November, it all started from the charity auction buy of a celestron 130 EQ, and it's not stopped costing me since, haha

    In the last 10 yrs.....I've spent about 15K on astronomy.

    • Like 3
  9. 8 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

    Aha! I think I’m being a bit slow in not reading the OP properly. SGL is 14 years old I take it. 

    How did it come about, and what is the connection with FLO? 

    FLO are the sponsors of SGL.

    • Like 2
  10. On 06/07/2020 at 04:00, John said:

    Nice view here !


    Wow......looks amazing. Where ca i spot this comet. In the west im guessing from other pics. Will certainly be grabbing the bins tomorrow night.

  11. 6 hours ago, russ said:

    I got some of these in the post today. Stretchy Food Lids. Spiders kept crawling up the back of my 200P while stored in the shed. By the next day full of webs. Not anymore....


    I'd be more concerned about all the veggies down your scope.

    • Haha 3
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