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Posts posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. 3 hours ago, Iced Tiger said:

    My very first refractor, the new WO FLT 91, this is going to be my imaging telescope when I can get my hands on a Skywatcher mount.





    Thats gorgeous. I'm not jealous. Love the handle on the tube rings. Every tube rings should have a handle.

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  2. 44 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    Two items I have been waiting for from Tak America and local scope shop just arrived, yay, I love getting treats from the postman!. One is the smallest bottle of paint ever,  Tak white to touch up tiny paint chip on TSA102 dew shield and, a baader click lock 2"-1.25" reducer.

    Shipping and currency conversion included, I think the paint cost me more than gold per weight. 

    Scratch the thought of painting my car in Tak white 🤣🤣 



    So small it deserves  the word “cute”



    $17.00 for a bottle of paint that contains about 20ml of actual paint.


  3. 1 hour ago, HollyHound said:

    Thanks. I've read various posts (yours included) that indicate the same, and indeed TeleVue talk about the sets of 21, 13, 8 or 17, 10, 6... so after playing with just the 21 and 13 over the last few nights in my 10" dob, I'm convinced I should be able to manage with just these three for most of my viewing in that scope... switch to XWs for anything else 👍

    I've also got a couple of Hyperion 2" extension rings, so that I can keep them all as 2" eyepieces, which will also help in a session... just need to work out if I need to adjust the Paracorr now for those 🤔

    I find more and more that I tend to reach mainly for my 32,15 and 8mm EPs. Pretty much covers everything.

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  4. 56 minutes ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

    Just when I thought I didn't need any new gear...

    Bino Bandit, comes along and tempts me.

    Consider me tempted. FLO are the only company that ship them to Ireland. Bino Bandit gets great reviews online.

    SWMBO said " What you gettin them for?, I've never seen you use binoculars". I said "It will get me outside, and away from you".

    Anyone got a spare room?. 


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  5. 8 minutes ago, Dantooine said:

    We also have separate bank accounts but my card gets used even when it’s not with me. It seems to go for days out all on its own. Clever technology 🙄

    I know the feeling. Herself is under the delusion that I'm a millionaire. 

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  6. Fingertip cleaning method?. I'm imaging that's as bad as it sounds. You should use a rocket blower to remove any stubborn dust/crud.

    I have heard that primary mirrors do have a very thin coating on top of the silvering. I doubt its sapphire. Wouldnt that make everything a false colour. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Daf1983 said:

    Sounds familiar! To be fair, I've had something delivered almost every day for the past week, I think a ''small telescope to put on top of main telescope'' was the final straw! Especially as I had a ''2nd camera to make sure the first camera is pointing in the right direction'' delivered yesterday🙈


    A camera to make sure your other camera is calibrated. Thats a genius excuse for owning two cameras. 

    Myself and Lorna have separate bank accounts. Not planning on changing that when we are married.


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