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Posts posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. 18 minutes ago, gajjer said:

    Hmm. It's not really giving a true impression of scale is it!

    I like a good jigsaw. Reminds me of Christmas.

    Have we had Christmas yet?



    Nah, its 10 months away. I do jigsaws all year round. Some of them i glue and frame them and hang on the wall.

  2. Today I received a couple of jigsaws. Each are 1000 pcs.  Both astro related. Only problem is thatthey came in a generic box. I have no picture of either, apart from the tiny one on the site I bought them from. The other jigsaw is Starry Night (my favourite painting).



    • Like 11
  3. 4 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

    But The Dish ( or as my Kiwi friend calls it, The Dush) is true, isn’t it?

    Haha. I have a Kiwi friend and he calls fish&chips...fush&chups.

  4. Just now, JeremyS said:

    I was hoping it might be the first use of the term budgie smugglers on SGL. But references go as far back as 2011

    What, you mean you researched it?. Must be cloudy where you are.

  5. 2 minutes ago, CCD-Freak said:

    I am working on my top 10 list but I am surprised that no one has listed "The Dish".  It is one of my very favorite films.

    John Love

    I completely forgot about The Dish. I do believe that I have it on dvd. Must give it another watch.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, jetstream said:

    I have to that that as a Canuck who watched English comedies from very young, Monty Python, Ronnies, Some mothers do have em etc that there is no better comedy or command of the English language than you guys have!

    Budgie Smugglers!!lol! man I'm laughing at this one after looking it up and am "chuffed to bits" that I found the meaning 😀

    My hat is off to you guys 👍

    and I still watch English comedy at every chance. (but no more sci fi :grin:)

    Its actually an Australian saying. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, andrew s said:

    That's one HAL of a joke @JeremyS.

    My top two are:

    1) 2001 A Space Odyssey  - which I went to see with the then Miss Ely who was wearing a very small pair of hot pants.

    2) Star Wars A New Hope - which I went to see with my then wife of two years but I don't recall what she was wearing .

    Regards Andrew 

    Danish Pastries?

    • Haha 1
  8. In no particular order:

    Star Wars (the original trilogy)

    District 9

    The Martain

    Close Encounter (OTTK)

    Rogue One

    Deadpool (as in X-men)


    I'm stuck now. I'd have to consult my dvd/br collection.

    Can we include tv shows?:



    Star Trek: Discovey 


    • Like 1
  9. I used to use a Horizon 8115 for my 20x90 bins. The quick release plate and pan and tilt handle developed a bit of slack/slip. 

    I then bought a Ravelli pistol grip/ball mount and tripod. Its brilliant. It was a steal at the time. I couldn't resist.



  10. 21 hours ago, fifeskies said:

    At 21 seconds past 9.21pm tonight it will be :-

    the 21st second of the 21st minute, of the 21st hour, of the 21st day, of the 21st year, of the 21st century !


    You should have used the 24 hr clock in your opening line. So 9.21pm would become 21.21

    • Haha 1
  11. A sprinkle of snow on Tues/Wed turned into a  sheet of ice over the next few days/nights because of -4C, -8C. Today is the first time it thawed. Its a balmy 4C today. Lornas car was frozen solid. Couldn't get the doors open for ages.

    Bins frozen shut too. 


    • Like 1
  12. On 05/01/2021 at 18:45, Second Time Around said:

    We're having a new lawn laid later in the year. In the meantime I've had a single slab laid to put my scopes on.

    I had thought about additional slabs to walk on, but was concerned they'd heat up during the day and affect the seeing at night as they cool down.

    Any thoughts?

    Concrete does store heat and release it at night. The was the weather has been since NYE, I don't think there's much to worry about. We hit -8C the last couple of nights.

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