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Posts posted by spillage

  1. 15 hours ago, carastro said:

    I presume you have to unscrew the whole focusser assembly to get it out

    Hi @carastro, you only need to take out the screws that hold the focus adjuster plate in place. You can then just pull the draw tube out. You can just unscrew the compression ring at the eyepiece to remove it, if it's needed.

    I would ask him to use a nice flat sharpening stone over the flat part on the tube, This will grind it flat and make better contact with the part that move the tube up and down.

    There is a youtube vid somewhere.

    Found it.


  2. PA is out as well. I am just playing around with the gain/offset and exposure times to see what is best for me. It definitely a lrf. Once I am happy with the camera settings and sorted out the calibration frames I will pull my socks up and pay more attention. Going from the dslr to dedicated is a bit of a learning curve for me. Even using live view took a while to sort:undecided: 


    @richyrich_one ASI1600mm. Just updated my sig.

  3. I should reply that I am manually focusing for every filter/temperature change. In reality its using my home made bahtinov mask (cornflake box) and live view in apt at the beginning of the night then leaving it at that. I am looking at getting autofocus for the 130 for my next purchase.

  4. Thanks @richyrich_one I am really struggling with my flats and darks but as soon as this is sorted I can start to improve things and remove the rubbish out of my images.

    The sky is looking poor tonight so I may have another go at my calibration frames. I got another few hours out of the rosette last night but my alarm failed to go off at 0230 so also ended up with few hours of data to bin due to the flip. So might add this extra to my attempts.



    • Like 1
  5. I would say that if you move your eye towards the front/back then put a bit of packing at the front/back accordingly.

    Did your measure the holes diameter for the focuser divided by 2 plus the measurement from the edge of the scope to the start of the hole. Just wondering if the focuser needs moving forwards? its been a while since I have stripped mine and cannot remember how much movement you have.

  6. 3 hours ago, Spaced Out said:

    Every time I have rebuilt the scope I have carefully centred the focuser the best I can using the 3 collimation screws. I am wondering if there are further tilt adjustments available for the focuser/focuser tube to line it up perfectly with the secondary ? There are few more allen screws on the bottom of the focuser but not sure what they all do tbh !

    I have not got access to my 130 but my 150 has only 3 allen screw on the focuser. Have you worked out the orientation of the issue.

    If you know which side of the focuser is giving the issue then:

    I would be tempted to take all three grub screws out to the point that they do not make any adjustments so you are at point zero, undo the focuser and maybe using the plastic from a milk container pack one side out with a couple of slithers and see it it makes it better or worse. Try all four sides and if that make no difference then make adjustments on the grub screws.

    Just one more thought, have you tried rotating the veins around??





    3 hours ago, Uranium235 said:

    just don't try touching it with bare hands or licking it...lol :)

     Haha, I used to work in a -24 warehouse. Lost count the amount of times I put my pencil in my mouth and got it stuck. Or ran in without my cold gear to do a stock count only to find my biro had frozen

    I keep my scope outside so do not really need any cool down time and it does look quite cool in its silver jacket..

    • Haha 2
  8. May I am being stupid. My cc connects to the T2 ring, the T2 ring has not being moved doing this as the cc sits inside the T2 ring and this sits on  the focus tube. I am sure that I have not need to drastically move the focus by using the cc.

    I guess I have the baader so maybe this is why?


    I would like to add that yes my was is more difficulty then just taking a bit from the bottom of the tube but you do ensure that if you do remove too much then you still have a fully functional tube. I have a second hand 150pds where the previous owner butchered the tube.

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