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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-sundancer-ii-h-alpha-solar-filter.html# Hmm looks like a high quality self build project, reminds me of a Leyland car, built from the parts bin.
  2. Next week, you post look at my new solar toy 😉 🤣
  3. Only seen them up once and not since, if I did I would be at the head of the line. Thanks for the report Mark, sounds like I have been on the right track for some time, amazing how some eyepieces just deliver, I feel my Pentax XW’s do that but stopped at 5mm as they get so darn long.
  4. I think its T-Pod Ade and no controversy, if you like the red and black, you like red and black. Your f11 would perhaps suit it well. And the red lettering on my Vixen might actually look ok. But does not a red tripod have an invisibility cloak when lit with a red torch? 🤣
  5. As I said clash, clash Perhaps some of John’s spray? 😉 In fairness the mount plate is black
  6. I have no idea, but have glanced at these before, look very solid, but.... well the red would clash terribly with the deep Rowan black anodising. What you need is a tripod with matching black.
  7. Just picked this line out, but quite a compliment on the AZ100 and very true from what I have seen.
  8. Yes indeed, sorry missed this comment earlier John, I was trying to multi-task, never goes well that. Very much built to a very high standard. Derek said about 'Perfection is not good enough', made me smile as I think in this case I think it is good enough.
  9. Belated Happy Birthday John, you have a few years on me, My Birthday was last week, turned 55, so are you a fellow Virgo?
  10. If you saw my Banbury visit thread Steve, you will know I have been at Rowan yesterday, I did stop myself from kissing the AZ100 we stood around and talked about, but only just.
  11. That is the truth John, and very much the determining factor. My back due to injury a longtime ago is not the back it should be and I have to be very careful what and how I lift.
  12. And @JeremyS, encoders? What mount? I have no idea what you refer to 🤪 The neuralyzer truly has erased my memory, I even have no idea how i got back to my driveway.... OK, yes, I will go with encoders to work with the Nexus DSC, which I have really taken a shine to.
  13. Sounds like Covenytry got the better deal to me 😉 @Tiny Clanger
  14. Good to see this is all tripod discussion and not about that fine mount, let's face it, its not going anywhere, the tripod is the variable in my view. The problem with a monster tripod, is its bulk and weight, and ability to move. One of the beuties of this mount and its type is grab and go nature and freedom of too much kit, if you want it solid as said earlier in the thread, put it on a pier and anchor it to mother earth, but why? The Uni 28 and AZ100 looks like a great combination for most folks scopes, the very large very heavy scopes some have mounted on the AZ100, which it clearly can hold need a bigger lump of tripod or pier, but not for most folks, who have smaller scopes that cope well with UK skies. Perhaps what's needed is another tripod type that works with the AZ100 sized mounts. solid, light and able to be easily moved without a double hernia.
  15. The AZ100 looks good and feels right on the Uni-28, the one at Rowans certainly did yesterday. Very solid tripod and certainly a very solid mount.
  16. Yesterday I spent a great time making a trip up to Banbury, the purpose of which was to visit Rowan Engineering on a long standing invitation from them. The invitation was at the last IAS and was not taken up due to some Plague or something that may have swept by us since. The visit was a pleasure in Derek's company, sadly I chose the week that Dave was away, so I only got to meet half of the dynamic duo. But I have threatened a return visit, so no getting off the hook for Dave, poor chap. I was given the full 'Rowan Towers' tour, watching the machinery in action, being shown the beginnings and end stages of the fine AZ100 mount being given life, a mount so loved by many here on SGL and indeed by myself. No wonder they are such a solid mount, all that fine engineering is sadly hidden inside, it's quite something under the shiny black anodising. A shame we don’t have a see though model available, new idea there chaps? I also saw the company's Air Gun products in production; all looking wonderful and quite tempting to a retired airgun shooter. All as well thought out and produced as the Astronomy side of things and wonderfuly finished. I think I was lucky enough to see the 'Top Secret' department and the R&D that is going on, quite a lot afoot and yes it is all real and all is well on its way to reality, sometimes things are worth waiting for and this truly is the case. Things such as the circuit boards and similar and the multiple components just for the encoders was enlightening, this is such well-made kit. It made me think, 'No veneer here', it's solid engineering with great finesse. Rowan clearly listen to their customers as some of the things already mentioned on SGL appear to be in the pipeline, but Derek sent me away after showing me their latest anti-spill-the-beans device, so I can’t say what’s coming soon even if I wanted to. I have some odd memory of a stick like device and a bright flash? A bit like this perhaps? But that's not Derek......then again is it?? 🤣 It was such a pleasure to see a small UK company working on products that are well designed, well made and a much desired product by more than just the local market. Nice one Chaps and the Rowan Team, thanks for the Tea Derek. Looking forwards to the reality arriving in the near future.
  17. Something that you are fast working towards Mr S? Or was that long Tak List my imagination the other week?
  18. Green and Black, oh done that one, got the tee shirt, but then again many other high quality ones as well, as I said on another post, it's a Rabbit Hole, hope you wallet can cope. The things I have found are: Most EP have good and bad points, How they handle is a break point, The ballance of a set is important for alt az, We are all different and what suits one will not suit another. BUt here you go some variations on Green and Black with others over time. I have missed a lot out, I am an eyepieceaholic, but I churn them to find 'The Ones', but in 20 years so far have not done so, got close, but always a but comes into my thoughts..... Enjoyed every minute and everyone though
  19. It is not a colour or brand specific affliction, you go down a rabbit hole with any high end eyepiece purchase, always one leads to another and another .....
  20. Postperson Pete has been again, nice to see him again as not been on our round for a few months. Delivered a nice box from Mr Fenner, thanks Baz. Can now use the 30mm APM UFF in the ED103 😀
  21. BBC use Meteo for weather since the tender. To be honest most of the forecast services are well off, perhaps the weather is just not following the modelling, We know how good modelling can be, just look at all the various predicitions for the recent plague.....say no more.
  22. I have the loca Water Company Tower with an array of telephone masts to allign finders kindly supplied. Other than this it's all trees from my garden. Daylight for me is Solar time though.
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