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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. Good choice you have purchased. Besides the ones I have shown above, I also have a 6mm & 8mm Radian. These were the Delite’s predecessor… plus a few other TeleVue eyepieces and other brands.
  2. Seeing is believing… left: 13mm Plossl. centre: 13mm Nagler/type 1. right: 13mm Nagler/type 6. BTW - welcome to SGL @Elrond1998
  3. Hi @LKYLKY123 and welcome to SGL. I think Ed Ting has done a YouTube video and rated a good 'scope [or clone] for beginners starting out into astro-iastro-imaging.
  4. I found a 'copy' of SkySafari 4 in a list of my purchased Apple apps and re-installed it to my iPhone & iPad a few weeks ago. I also have SkySafari 6 installed on both devices.
  5. Welcome to the I got more than one ‘scope’ club @ONIKKINEN. Below are some images of my three ‘scopes... and two of my three alt-az mounts... 😜🤪
  6. Hi @Nighttide and welcome to SGL. As suggested by @Rallemikken Stellarium which is free for PC/Mac/Linux. The version for mobile phones and tablets is a paid app. Other planetarium/star-chart programs are also available, (free or paid). Some even go back to BCE dates.
  7. Hola @Israel Sevilla and welcome to SGL.
  8. Maybe this... and somewhere in my record collection, I have the 7" single. I was 1 year old when the single was released and Telstar was launched. But what got me interested or started was the Moon landings and watching the BBC's 'Sky at Night'. I think ITV released a programme called 'Heavens Above'. In my pre-teens my late-uncle, (my late-mothers brother), talking to me about the Grand Tour, (i.e. the Pioneer and Voyager missions). Then I in my early/mid-teens, my father and step-mother bought me my first telescope... a Tasco 4ETE.
  9. Hi @MonsterMagnet and welocme to SGL. I am another with a de-forked Meade ETX, [the 105] and with a re-modded backplate, following an accident that damaged the ABS plastic rear cell assembly, after a short alloy dovetail plate snapped whilst on a mount. (images below). When I do travel and observe away from home, it is stored in a backpack/rucksack... ...along with a few eyepieces and filters. The tripod and mount are packed in a suitcase or trolley-bag if it involves air travel.
  10. Hi @ddm4313 and welcome to SGL. Many years ago I was totally against using a zoom e/p, (excluding the TeleVue 3-6mm Nagler zoom). That soon changed when I purchased a ‘cheap’ 7-21mm zoom. It gives me options to see how something will appear before purchasing an e/p of a fixed/primary focal length. If I intend to travel anywhere away from home, I make sure that I have my zoom and a few fixed/primary e/p’s to help keep the weight down. Should you go down the zoom e/p path, I would recommend the Baader 8-24mm zoom. Though I do not own one, I have tried a Mk III or IV and was impressed with it in my 're-modded' ETX105 and TV Range r. They do come up for sale here on SGL and/or other amateur astronomy forums.
  11. Hi @Sarek and welcome to SGL.
  12. Hi @Manas and welcome to SGL. A 3x Barlow lens is way to much for your 'scope. It will be a challenge in tracking and keeping the target in the e/p FOV too at the same time as well.
  13. One thing I have noticed with some brands of optical wet-wipes in the past, is that some are just to wet. So I wring them out to remove the excess liquid before use.
  14. Books... Norton's Star Atlas and Handbook - (editions 17, 18 & 20) - [1] Patrick Moore's pocket guide to The Stars and Planets iOS & iPadOS... Sky Safari 6' (basic) - [2] Star Charts - [3] [5] Sky atlas - [4] [5] Android OS... SkEye Sky Safari 6 (basic) - [2] DSO Planner DOS / Windows / MacOS / Linux... SkyGlobe CircumSpace Stellarium Tri-Atlas The Sky Red Shift Where is M13? miscellaneous .PDF files of star charts, Messsier, Caldwell, Herschel, DSO, etc. Other... A planisphere - no batteries required or loss of night vision. notes: [1] edition 19 was available in paperback only - I gave this a miss. [2] includes augmented reality [AR] for iOS... note: not available on Android OS at time of writing. [3] Wil Tirion's - star charts [4] José Ramón Torres’s - Tri-Atlas [5] the names given to them in the Apple app store.
  15. Not very clear images, but the the threaded screw holes on my [SkyWatcher] 8"/21cm dovetail bar are 1/4-20 - [note: one is in the centre and one is offset from centre and hidden from view]. The larger ones at each end are not threaded. These are where fixing screws for the tube rings for a longer dovetail bar pass through to attach the tube rings. The reason I have used Jubilee/hose rings is because I cannot find tube rings that are the same diameter as the ETX105 tube... not very elegant, but it works! Link here for the SkyWatcher dovetail bars... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-mount-accessories/skywatcher-dovetail-mounting-plates.html or here for other brands... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/search/for/dovetail+bar/page/1/
  16. Hi @Dan_Paris and welcome to SGL.
  17. Congratulations on getting the Skymax127. I think they are now fitted with an SCT visual back now as standard. Below are some images of my 're-modded' ETX105 showing it with an optional SCT adapter ring [2] & [4] and an SCT to 1.25" visual back [3] & [4]... [1] [2] [3] Image below showing the separate components... [4]
  18. An interesting review of the Vixen Sphinx SXW mount, by Ed Ting on YouTube... Apologies in advance if anyone thinks it is in the wrong section.
  19. Either a Tele-Optic Giro DX or AOK AYO. I regret selling my Vixen GP mount.
  20. @ollypenrice I don't want to start anything political, but did you note that your bolides are the patriotic colours our two countries national flags... red, white & blue 🇬🇧 & blue, white & red 🇫🇷 Are they 👽 communicating with us or telling us something? 😜
  21. Hi @Apolileo and welcome to SGL. A good resource for 'tracking' satellites is this one... https://www.heavens-above.com/
  22. Hi @Bluesboystig/Simone and welcome to SGL from Lower Earley. As well as Reading Astronomical Society as mentioned by @rwilkey/Robin above, (of which I am a member), there is/or used to be an astronomy club/society in Bracknell: https://bracknellastronomy.co.uk - just looked at the site and appears to have no activity. 🤔 There are a few 'local' astronomy clubs/societies also in the Thames Valley.
  23. +1 for the above. A member of my local astro. society/club has been to Namibia🇳🇦 a few times and highly recommends it.
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