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Everything posted by wimvb

  1. A friend of mine has his gear in my obsy. He controls it from his apartment in downtown Stockholm using microsoft remote desktop on a mac. The obsy computer is a windows machine that has remote desktop server installed. So far, he does it blindly, but he wants to install a web cam to see the mount, just to be safe. Anydesk should be able to do all this also. I use a single board computer, running linux, and connect to it using ms remote desktop from my windows laptop. No web cam, but I do have a security camera installed that shows part of the pier and mount.
  2. You have to increase the distance from the motor pulley to the worm gear pulley.this stretches the belt a little, making it tighter. In a belt modded HEQ5, I did this by loosening the motor hex bolts just a little, and pushing the motor away from the worm pulley, at the same time tightening the bolts again. Mounts which have belt drives, have belt tightening screws in place. The 10.2 s peak shows when you do frequency analysis of the ra guide data. Use phd log viewer for this.
  3. Göran ( @gorann ) was so kind to share the unprocessed image with me. So here's my version, processed in PI, as usual. (click on the image to get to the full size version) The process in a nutshell: DBE, background neutralisation, colour calibration Arcsinh stretch in two steps, followed by curves transformation (contrast and saturation) Removed stars with StarNet++ Boosted contrast a bit more in the starless image I then used masked stretch on a copy of the linear image Inserted the stars from the masked stretched copy into the starless image, using PixelMath and a star mask. Noise reduction to get rid of the slight mottle in the background cropped and flipped the image to get this orientation.
  4. If you just start out with imaging, I would remove the barlow from the setup. This will only complicate things. Add it later (if you still want to), once you are familiar with the capabilities and limitations of your gear. As for reference images, check astrobin.com. The search engine should provide you with examples. good luck, and have fun
  5. I’m not an expert, but my guess is that with a scale of 5”/pixel, you are getting decent values. The rms in ra and dec is only a quarter of a pixel. To see if you really have a problem, can you change the pixel scale? Different guide scope, different camera. If you use a dedicated astro camera, use your imaging camera and scope to test guiding. This should help you decide if it’s the mount, or the guide setup that is to blame.
  6. My suggestion is, do some averaging on the esp, and send/display data every minute. That should also take care of the noise.
  7. A look up table perhaps? That seems easiest
  8. 4 LEDs in series from a 5V power supply? Don't LEDs want more than 1.25 V?
  9. I use an emmc card on my Rock sbc. AfaIk these are more reliable than SD, and certainly faster. Just ordered a Rock64Pro with 64 GB emmc memory to use as MQTT broker, dashboard, etc. If I find it reliable enough, I will upgrade the Rock64 that controls my imaging rig to a Rock64Pro.
  10. Can TimescaleDB run on a raspberry pi (under raspbian)? The examples I’ve found so far, either run it as a cloud service or with the db on a different computer.
  11. You will have historic data for as long as the Pi is active. If the Pi goes down, you'll lose the complete history. I'm at the moment looking at a video by the "guy with the swiss accent", Andreas Spiess. His solution looks nice. I hadn't heard of influx before.
  12. I prefer ethernet for more critical applications, and wifi for devices that get moved around.
  13. Max 240 MHz clock for the esp32 device itself, default 40 MHz for the devkit. Hardly a problem, I would think. This guy may have some useful information for you http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/
  14. Are you planning for some kind of data logging?
  15. INDI/Ekos on a Rock64 single board computer for me. This season I'll hopefully even say goodbye to phd, and do the guiding in Ekos (multi star guiding). I use microsoft remote desktop to connect to the sbc that runs everything. By not using Ekos/Kstars on my laptop, losing wifi won't break anything during a session.
  16. For my weather station the pressure reading is firmly stuck at 1006 hPa. Temperature and humidity vary as expected, so I hope it's just a coding issue.
  17. Grasping the proverbial straws here: I don't know if you also have to restart the espclient. Or rename the espclient to indoorclient. On a different note: I rewrote the code for my mini meteo station (ir-temperature sensor for clouds, and bme280) to post to my mqtt broker (mosquitto on an old raspberry pi). So if I have time, I can start playing around with Node Red. (The esp meteo station is on my patio. We are still enjoying quite nice weather up here.) An INDI driver that can act as a MQTT client to get weather info, would be nice.
  18. Maybe it’s not the number of clients, but the timing. Is there a way to find out when and for how long each client is sending information? I would think that in general, mqtt can support many connected clients, but not sending simultaneously. Where is the Raspberry pi located? Near the living room esp? Otherwise signal strength could be an issue. Just guessing. Btw, have you read this? http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/mqtt-works/
  19. https://randomnerdtutorials.com/flashing-micropython-firmware-esptool-py-esp32-esp8266/ You already have esptool.py, because the Arduino IDE uses it to write programs to the esp32. This will clear the esp flash memory, where programs are stored. It doesn't alter its behaviour in any other way. Don't install any firmware, that's only needed for microPython. Read/follow the tutorial until & including Erasing ESP32 Flash Memory
  20. If two devices show the same error at the same time, I would expect the error to be somewhere else, ie it’s not the devices that are at fault. I use uPython, but I also regularly flash new firmware to the devices I use for testing. And while experimenting, I regularly swap from uPython to the Arduino IDE and back. Usually erasing flash with the esptool solves any connection problems. And don’t ignore possible faulty usb cables.
  21. One more thing to try: erase the flash. Locate the esptool.py, then erase the esp flash. I believe the syntax is esptool.py —port /dev/s0 erase_flash After that check if the esp is visible in the usb devices list. more info on the Randomnerdstutorial site, getting started with esp32
  22. I think I should start playing with Node-Red. But my Raspberry Pi is getting old, so I must upgrade that first.
  23. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun with this scope. Expect a little tinkering with it, as reflectors need occasional collimation. But that isn’t difficult to learn.
  24. Välkommen till SGL. Generally, you will get better answers to any questions you may have, but I also can’t help you with your question. A great welcome to you! (But are you sure you’re on the right forum? 😉)
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