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Posts posted by blinky

  1. I am pretty much 100% confident it’s not the lead, I now have 2 from different batches with the same issue so it must be laptop, power, mount related but which one......  both laptop and mount and on mains supplies.  I have also replaced the plug on the EQ6 with a screw in type so know that is secure and the red light does not flash on the mount either.  
    im. It sure about trying another laptop but I suppose it rules the laptop in/out so should really do that!  I wonder..... just thinking out loud here..... the new socket for the supply, will mean that the body of the mount is connected to the negative terminal of the supply plug, since the plug is all metal and is bolted to the mount case. The cable has a metal D type socket and I wonder if there is some sort of noise or something, maybe the lynx cables have the metal body connected to gnd and it’s causing a loop and the old shoestring cable that was hand soldered, maybe the metal body of that D type is not connected to gnd? Just a thought, will see what I can do tonight....

  2. Baud rates the same, 9600, tried lowering and increasing it in the port settings and changing eqmod to match but the only one it connects at is 9600.  Also done the remove old devices, by running device manager with show_nonpresent_devices and removing everything that’s not used, the only ports I have are com3 for the cable, com13 for the old one and com 5&6 as Bluetooth to serial ports. Power management of the port is not ticked either, think I’m just going to need to send it back and stick with the old cable, but why? And I’m worried if the old cable breaks what do it do?  It’s so strange! At least I can get the issue in daytime while slewing, so don’t need to wait to be out under the stars to diagnose the issue but I’m basically all out of ideas..... I don’t think Lynx Astro exist, I think it’s just the name FLO put on their brand of cables, so can’t even contact the manufacturer and see if they can suggest anything.

  3. Totally confused and looking for suggestions.... Im now on my 2nd Lynx astro cable for my EQ6, I keep getting timeout errors with it on EQMod 😞 Im not using a hub, my camera, guider, filter and focuser are all connected via a little hub then connected to my laptop's USB3 port.  The Lynx astro cable is connected directly from the mount to a USB 2 port on the laptop.  I first noticed the problem when guidig, it seemed terrible with the new cable in and swapping to an ancient Shoesting asto cable all was good.   I then saw in the EQMod window that I was getting Comm errors with the Lynx cable but with the old cable its all good.  I connect the old cable in the same way, direct to a USB 2 port - I'm out of ideas!  Laptop is running the latest version of EQMod, Acom and Windows 10.  The driver for the Lynx cable is the most up to date I can find and its on Com 3, any ideas?  

    RA Motor set at Lunar rate




  4. what camera are you going to use?  I had a Willima Optics ZS66 a few years ago and it was a nice widefield image but with the big pixels of the DSLR I was using at the time it was very undersampled and I prefered my 80mm Skywatcher.  Nowadays with small pixel CMOS I would be tempted to go with the 60mm as it would provide the larger FoV for widefield especially if paired with one of those CMOS chips...

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  5. It does indeed appear to be the cable.... last night I could see timeouts coming through the log viewer portion/tab of eqmod with the newly bought lynx astro cable. This disappeared completely when swapping back over to my ancient shoestring astro cable, I sat and watched the screen like a hawk for 20 mins and not a single timeout. My guiding also massively improved, I suspect because commands were not being held up in a q waiting to get sent to the mount?

    Will contact @flo this mmorning to see about returning the cable - I never expected it to be as simple as the cable as it does seem a high quality one but I do think I've proven it. I'm not using a hub to connect it to the laptop, just straight from mount to laptop.

  6. Ive asked this on the SGPro forum but getting no answers - recently SGPro has started to disconnect from EQMod but PHD2 and Cartes Du Ciel keeps connected and guiding. Just wondering if anybody else has a similer issue?  Ive also just changed guide cam and to a Lynx astro EQMod cable but really think this is a software issue....

  7. I ordered a Lynx Astro EQMod/Dir cable from FLO a few weeks ago but I seem to be having issues with it....  Its on Com7 (just in case that matters!) and every so often it looses connection to EQMod, or rather EQMod reports it's lost connection to the mount.  I assume its only momentary as the symptoms are things like when parking it will suddenly decide it is parked, at some random point in the sky. When doing drift alignment tonight, it was like the mount suddenly started moving in RA, I could hear the motors tone change and the star started moving, I clicked stop in PHD2 then started drifting again and it was fine for a while then it happened again - PHD2 reports no errors talking to the mount.  It does not do it all the time though, but this has only started happening since I changed from an old Shoestring astro cable and USB to serial converter, was rock solid before!  If i look in the status window of EQMod I can see it reporting communication errors, which I've never seen before with the old cable.

    Do you think I have a faulty cable?  Im not getting any windows errors, not getting the USB disconnected bing bong in Windows etc but something is not right - ideas? I dont want to go back to FLO and ask for a replacement till I've spoken to folks on here and gathered some opinions!

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