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Everything posted by gorann

  1. That is what got me into AP! Never too late to move😁
  2. Hi again Ken, you must be wrong about the crop. Telescopius gives me exactly the same FOV with the Esprit 150 and ASI2600 as I got:
  3. You are right Ken - I forgot that this was from my double Esprit rig where my Esprit 100 with an ASI071 collects RGB, so here is the un-cropped Lum from the Esprit 150 with the ASI6200 - only stretched, no flats applied. Rather ok star shapes in the corners. PS. But looking at it again it does seem to show the same FOV, so I have to check if it was cropped, but I think not.
  4. Yes, my Esprit 150 has no problem filing out the sensor of my ASI6200MM, not even much vignetting.
  5. Tamed the strong red signal that I never liked and let green and blue up a bit with curves in PS.
  6. Thanks Tom! And even better after 6.5 hours as in the image above.
  7. Made a close up of the Tadpoles Nebula (IC410) from the image. Rotated in a direction it is often shown.
  8. Only got two images with the 6200 so far since it is sitting on my Esprit 150 and nights have usually not been long and frequent enough to run two obsies. But very clean data and the Esprit manages to fill the sensor without any curvature and much vignetting: https://www.astrobin.com/c7oa6z/C/ https://www.astrobin.com/7gcoik/B/
  9. Thanks Dave! The filter's bandwidth is probably quite broad. The blue signal was very weak compared to the Ha but is was there so I could bring the "blue figure" out. However, I should have said that I then did add a bit of my old refractor data to the blue figure (edited post now) since it looked a bit anemic with just the RASA data.
  10. This is from early Friday morning. After my first object of the night had disappeared behind the obsy wall, I aimed at these well known and much photographed nebulae in Auriga. Mainly because they were in a good position in the sky and would stay in sight for the rest of the night. The moon was nearly full and I started the exposures around 01.45 and whent to bed. When I looked through the subs it was clear that there was more contrast after around 03.45 and realized that the moon then had gone down. So, I throw away the first two hours and stacked the last 2.7 hours I got until sunrise. Not that the first hours were really bad, it is apparently possible to shoot with the IDAS NBX dualband filter also under a moon light, but they would probably have had a negative impact on the end result. I decided that with these bright nebula and the RASA at f/2, 2.7 hours would probably be quite OK. Equipment: RASA 8, ASI2600MC (OSC), IDAS NBX dual band (Ha & Oiii) filter, iOptron CEM70. 83 x 2 min at gain 100, -15°C. Processed in PI and PS. I had to give the blue and green channels an extra stretch to bring out the blue reflection nenulosity in the Flaming Star nebula, as the Ha there was just overwhelming. It was clearly there but it looked a slightly anemic since it is not an Oiii source so I added a bit of my old DSLR/refractor data to that area.
  11. Thanks Steve! He he, you are right, a lot of both kinds of SNR😉
  12. Maybe I am the last one to find out about this amazing museum? https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/articles/a-visit-to-the-museum-of-astronomical-telescope-r3040 Cheers Göran
  13. Here is a rather busy part of Cygnus captured in a two panel mosaic, mainly shot under a full moon with the RASA 8 and ASI2600MC equipped with the IDAS NBX dualband (Ha+Oiii) filter. I posted the first 55 minutes of the right panel last week, mainly since it contained a very rarely imaged and extremely faint gigantic Super Nova Remnant (SNR) without a name but at least with a designation: SNR G 082.2+0.53. From my FOV I could calculate that the SNR must have an angular diameter of 1.3°, which is nearly three times that of the moon (0.5°). The right panel now contains 4.2 hours of data (50 x 5 min) and also includes LBN331 on the top. The left panel that I captured on Thursday night contains 2.3 hours of data (28 x 5 min) and includes three nebulae from the Sharpless catalogue: Sh2-112 (down in the left corner), Sh2-115 (unfortunately a bit cut off on the left edge), and Sh2-116, which is the red dot above Sh2-115. It may be a planetary nebula. So total integration time is 6.5 hours. I had never heard of this SNR before and I had no idea that it was in there when I first aimed at the area last week. I have the feeling that it is even fainter than the Squid and I am not sure if there are any other images of it except on this site: https://www.nebulaphotos.com/lbn-ldn/nwcygnus/ So it is possible to image with the IDAS NBX filter under a full moon, but it is not ideal. Later on Thursday night, when Cygnus fell below my obsy wall, I aimed at IC405 & 410 and it was clear that the subs became more cotrasty after a few hours when the moon fell below the forest here. Here is my post from last week:
  14. Very nice Rodd! Maybe you could post the whole image here also - would be interesting.
  15. I fully agree with Dave and Wim - you captured more details than most in this image! You often do that so I expect that even if your sky is light polluted it is often very steady. What is usually you guiding RMS?
  16. Better send me a personal message when you have decided. Cheers Göran
  17. I agree with Olly - the RASA and your new CMOS camera should be able to pick up a bit more colour - maybe you have been too gentle in the processing, but then if you are fighting gradients it may not be easy.
  18. Thanks a lot! A filter is a great Christmas present!
  19. Thanks Rodd! Yes, that little squidling down to the right is a nice catch, usually ending up outside the frame of Squid images. I wonder if it has a name, or at least a number.
  20. It is that not long to Christmas! I just started a thread here showing what the RASA 8 can do in 55 minutes.
  21. Thanks a lot! I need data for the first panel first, then we will see. The more interesting stuff is below, including a PN so it could become a very tall mosaic....
  22. PS. I think I see some green cast - maybe you could try to give it a dose of SCNR-green in PI.
  23. Very nice! Great to see another RASA 8 in swing. I have not deared to stitch more that two RASA panels together so far.
  24. Welcome back to SGL Rodd! I allready liked your little galaxy on Astrobin. It made me check my recent RASA 8 image of M45 and it is also there, even smaller in relation to my FOV. So also a RASA can hunt galaxies although so far I have only actively aimed it at M31 and M33.
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