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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. Hello All, I'm going through some of my subs which I captured earlier this year, but did not have a chance to process. This is my "War and Peace" nebula RGB subs processed which I captured on 22 June 2020, after the nights of imaging this nebula in Narrowband. Imaged at f6.3, 1280mm focal length, through my 8" SCT, cooled and modded Canon 40D for about 4 hours exposure time. CS, MG
  2. I use a flip mirror... when I added this, it made a world of difference....
  3. Hello all, Sharing my latest image of Mars, taken with a Skyris 618C CCD through my C8 8" SCT at f33. The size of Mars is already noticeably smaller than it was only a couple of weeks ago. CS MG
  4. Nice sketches.... A good record from a time when Mars wont be this close to us for a very long time.
  5. Hello all, It's been a while since I posted any images on SGL, as I was collecting some Mars images during the opposition 2020 season. I'm sharing with you my better quality collection of Mars images which I have imaged during September and October 2020. For some reason I had many more nights where the seeing was so bad that my data was very blurry than nights where the detail was crips and I, either, threw out more images or gave up on imaging nights than ending up with a half decent image. These images were taken with my Celestron 8" SCT using a Skyris 618C CCD at f33 (6700mm focal length) all riding on the CGEM and captured in Firecapture. All images are De-Rotated stacks in WinJupos of the best 10% of frames from 10-20 90 second videos captured at 60 fps... number of videos I used was depended on the clarity of the atmosphere and image capture quality on the night. The date and time written in the caption is in UTC and the median time when de-rotated. Clear Skies, MG
  6. I LOVE THIS.... this is one of (if not the) best collection of Mars I have seen.... I'm collecting Mars images through my 8" SCT, and even though I'm quite happy with my results, the resolution is nowhere near what you managed with that C14 monster.
  7. Both are great for viewing nebulae, but personally (if I'd only be getting one filter) than I'd be getting the UHC filter. I own the 2" Astronomic and a 1.25" Lumicon UHC as well as both the 1.25" & 2" Celestron OIII filters and the UHC filters are used much more than the OIII, simply because I get much nicer views of nebulae through it than when comparing the view through the OIII filter.
  8. Yup.. amazing how much difference a dark sky makes to imaging and observing DSO.
  9. Very nice, the collection is almost complete.
  10. That would be the Celestron C8 OTA... essentially it's the same scope except that it's black as opposed to orange.... I didn't find the 8SE mount that wobbly, it's quite good for a single arm mount and a 8" SCT... I used worse... but it's noticeably not as stable as my CGEM...
  11. The 8SE comes with a Alt-Az GOTO mount.... and a decent quality eyepiece...
  12. Of course... I know that its more expensive but I find that it's worth it and it is a one of expense for... well possibly ever.... perhaps a 2nd hand one would be much cheaper.
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