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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. Hi All, Sharing some more Mars images, quite possibly the last images of Mars that I'll be spending time on capturing this season, but the last image, 14th November has something strange on it.. two streaks which look like smoke plume, volcanic like, smoke plumes being blown in a direction away from the eruption.... Is it possible that Mars is still active?
  2. You have to take your time, take baby steps and eventually, sooner rather than later, you will definitely be capturing images that you're amazed by today... but don't give up and know that this is a steep learning curve to climb and it will not be a quick progress... come to think about it, we all keep learning and improving without end, until we die or stop imaging.
  3. MarsG76

    Mars 01Oct2020 @ 1348

    I dare say that it is Mount Olympus.....
  4. Depending on how much you want to spend, the Televue Nagler 5mm would most likley be the best choice as my Televue optics are excellent, but if you want a cheaper option than the Celestron X-Cel 5mm has given me some of the best and sharpest views of Jupiter and Saturn during those nights of exceptional seeing in my 8" SCT... but the seeing had to be perfect otherwise it was not a performer... mind you I am talking a magnification of 406X. My next recommendation is a LV... the 7mm LV I own is also excellent.
  5. I can relate to your frustrations, I remember when I had a failed session after failed session and wanted to throw in the towel... but what I done was step back and took some time away... But this challenge was always on my mind and I kept returning to the subject by reading as much info as I could and coming up with a plan of attack... I was unable to give in... I hate being beaten... I setup my gear after a few month away and this time there were times when I left it setup in my backyard for many days at a time, just throwing a tarp over it when I was at work having it assembled and ready to continue solving my problems during the next night. This took the setup time out of the equation (which is a lot of time out of a whole session), and in time I had small successes... and kept improving on them. Today I have more successful imaging sessions than failures... touch wood... and I did build a permanently setup hut for my gear since than. I too have small children and understand the time restriction placed on us while they're small, but the secret is to avoid setting up every time you want to image, you're wasting time and potentially running around in circles not solving anything except repeating the same thing over and over again. Didn't Einstein say that a definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome? So I say that your frustration is due to this hobby having the capability to consume and drive us insane...
  6. Like stated above, image with both and compare them... personally and in my experience, I wouldn't choose a higher res DSLR but the one with bigger pixels on the sensor... in this case would be the 30D... bigger surface area to capture more photons... stacking will negate noise... I compared a 40D to a 7D, i.e. 10 mpix vs 18mp and the 40D out performed the 7D for sensitivity and noise was about the same...
  7. Thats only the focus assist filter, easy to put back in place, and the DSLR operation should not change without it installed.
  8. I agree, don't underestimate the (full spectrum modded) 40D just because it's a DSLR and because it's "old" tech... this DSLR has delivered some great images at various focal lengths, and is no where near as noisy as what has been stated, and when I cooled it, the noise almost all disappeared, in even 20 & 30 minutes subs. The 40D is a APS-C sized sensor equipped camera which is only 10 megapix, meaning that the physical pixels on the chip are bigger than in newer cameras which are double or even quadruple the resolution, and a bigger surface area is bound to get hit by more photos. I actually compared my unmodded 40D to my unmodded 7D DSLRs capturing a galaxy a couple of years ago, comparing with the same ISO and same exposure time and the 40D subs were noticeably brighter, with more of the fainter galaxy features in the subs.... and the 7D is only 8 megapixels more in resolution, with not smaller sensor pixels surface area than on the 40D.
  9. THANK YOU.. IT WORKS.... this has saved me a lot of time doing this tedious job manually....
  10. Hello All, I'm going through some of my subs which I captured earlier this year, but did not have a chance to process. This is my "War and Peace" nebula RGB subs processed which I captured on 22 June 2020, after the nights of imaging this nebula in Narrowband. Imaged at f6.3, 1280mm focal length, through my 8" SCT, cooled and modded Canon 40D for about 4 hours exposure time. CS, MG
  11. I use a flip mirror... when I added this, it made a world of difference....
  12. Hello all, Sharing my latest image of Mars, taken with a Skyris 618C CCD through my C8 8" SCT at f33. The size of Mars is already noticeably smaller than it was only a couple of weeks ago. CS MG
  13. Nice sketches.... A good record from a time when Mars wont be this close to us for a very long time.
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